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"Who made you so mad?" Danny asked, getting into the ring.

"My boyfriend," I replied.

"Can I kick his ass?" he asked eagerly. I watched him as he wrapped his hands and got into form to spar.

"No, I'm mad because he's right. He just pointed it out on the wrong day," I said. I took a swing at him, but he blocked it.

"Tell Danny-boy what's on your mind," he said, throwing his own punch.

"I love him Daniel, but I'm afraid that after all of this is over, he'll think that it was all fake," I said.

"So you're afraid he'll find out," he replied.

I nodded. "I tried to get out of it. The moment I realized I was falling, I tried to get out, but it only made things worse."

"You'll just have to trust that his love for you is enough," Danny said.

"And what if it isn't? I can't lose him Danny," I said.

"I don't know Kenz."

We continued sparring until Danny got tired of being beat on. It disappointed me, I had forgotten how much this helped me.

"Mak," his voice said.

I turned around to see him standing there.

"I'll leave you two alone," Danny said, walking away.

I jumped down from the ring and stood in front of him.

"It wasn't fair for me to say all that, especially today," he said.

"It was fair, it doesn't matter the day. If you were feeling that way, I'm glad you told me. You're right too, I think about myself too much and I'm sorry for that," I said.

"I was just angry," he said dismissively.

"It doesn't matter Kade. It was all true. But you're wrong about one thing. I am constantly thinking about you. I care so much about you, you have no idea," I said.

"I know you care Mak. I had just put myself out there so many times and I felt like it was becoming useless," he said, pressing his hand against my cheek. We were suddenly much closer now.

"Just hold on, just a little longer," I said.

"Okay," he replied, kissing my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around him and placed my ear over his heart. It was something I liked to do. His heartbeat was my constant. It was always there, and it always calmed me.

I love you. I wanted to tell him, so badly.


When my alarm went off this morning, I couldn't find the motivation to get out of bed and go to school, so I didn't.

There was a knock at my balcony door. I rolled my eyes and got off my bed, would he ever listen?

"How many times do I have to tell you to just use the front door?" I said, as I opened the door.

I instantly shut up when I saw what he was caring. In one hand he held a large teddy bear and in the other a bouquet of red roses.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"I know you said that you didn't wanna celebrate our two month anniversary, but that doesn't mean I can't get you stuff," he said with a cheeky grin.

"Kade, you shouldn't have gotten me anything," I said lightly, pulling him into my room.

"I wanted to. I planned to surprise you at school, but you weren't there," he said.

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