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It had been a few days since the incident with Kaden, the burns on my chest weren't as bad as I thought they were gonna be.

He had texted me a couple times, but we hadn't really made any plans. I was hoping he would soon though, if Max decides to fight him, it could go over badly.

I tried not to worry about it as I sparred with Devin. He seemed angry at me, or out of it.

"What is it Dev?" I questioned.

"What did you do to Danny? He's been all pissy and mopey lately," he said.

"I didn't do anything to him, I think it's lack of what I did," I said, taking a swing.

"He's hurting you know. I don't like that, he's my son and I know you're the cause of it," he said.

"I didn't mean to hurt him, I just have a temper," I said.

"He's in love with you Kenz," he said.

"I know, I wish I could say I feel the same, but I don't. He's like my brother Dev. I shouldn't have ever kissed him," I said, coming out of form. I couldn't continue.

"You need to talk to him," he said.

"I just don't get it, I've known him my whole life. He's been my friend my whole life, what changed?"

"You did hon, you changed a lot. He liked it," Devin said.

I nodded, not wanting to continue this conversation. Instead I found myself a punching bag, ignoring the fact that my hand was still hurting a bit from when I punched a wall. There's a possibility that I fractured something, but I didn't care.

I kicked, punched and hit the punching bag until my hands were red and bleeding. Amazing how this is how I'm spending my Friday night. I finally decided to stop to spare my hands.

Once I showered and dressed I gathered all of my stuff in my bag and left, avoiding saying goodbye to Devin. I pulled out my phone to see I had a text from Kaden.

You wanna do something tonight? It read.

Sure, what do you have in mind? I asked.

Send me your address, I'll pick you up.

I sent him my address and began my walk home. By the time I got home, Kaden was just pulling up, slowing as he saw me on the curb.

"I'll be a sec," I said, walking up my porch and opening the front door. I dropped down my workout bag and went into my room to change. I pulled on a halter top and highwaisted pants, then slipped on a pair of converse.

I walked back out of my house, and got into Kaden's dark grey mustang. Figures he would have a nice car. I looked at him, swiping my eyes over his form fitting shirt. He looked good. I could tell he was doing the same thing.

"So where we headed?" I asked propping my elbows on the center console, resting my head in my hands.

"Shit Makenna, what the hell happened to your hands?" he said concerned.

"It's nothing," I said, tucking them under my thighs.

"It doesn't look like nothing," he said.

"Then stop looking," I replied.

"What were you doing?" he asked.

"Look it's really nothing, now are you going to tell me where we're going or am I going to have to scream I've been kidnapped?" I said.

"I thought we could just get some dinner. I know this really great diner just down the road, they're always open late," he said.

"Wow," I said chuckling. "I was expecting you to take me to some party or something."

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