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He looked so familiar to me, but I wasn't sure from where. I knew I had definitely seen him somewhere, I just hoped it wasn't what I thought. It was quite unexpected that Kade brought him to visit when I was working out, but I didn't mind. Seeing him jealous made me happy.

I had showered and changed back at the gym, dressing in jeans and a sweater. It was still Spring, making the nights slightly chilly, but that could also just be that I'm a Californian, susceptible to the cold.

We were waiting in the car, waiting for Kade to come back with ice cream. It was my request, we had decided to have a movie night, and there's no movie night without ice cream.

"He really cares about you," Cameron said.

"I know," I replied.

"I hope you feel the same way, otherwise it would break him."

"I do," I whispered. "I feel so much for him, you have no idea."

"I like that you stood up to me, told me I was wrong. You're very noble."

"No I'm not. I just have a troubled past," I said. "You learn a thing or two."

"Either way, you were right. I used to think about that all the time after I left. I used to think, what if I don't make it? What if I never get to see my family again? It changed me, made me more mature. I'm glad I did it, otherwise I would have never grown up," he said.

"It's nice that you've learned from your mistake," I replied. Kaden was now walking to the car, two cartons of ice cream in his hands.

"Don't break his heart," he said.

"That's the last thing I'd ever want to do," I said.

Kade opened the car door and got in. He placed the ice cream in the back seat with Cameron and then placed his hand on my thigh.

"Fuck Kade, your hands are cold, why would you do that?" I screeched, pushing his hand away.

"You wanted ice cream, I was warming my hand up," he said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, holding it in my lap. Kade drove us back to his house, his hand not once leaving mine.

Unlike Kade, I knew where nothing was in his house, considering the only time I've really been over was when I was drunk out of my mind. I stood and waited for Kade to get everything ready.

"You can get comfortable," he said chuckling.

I walked over to the large cough and sat down. "Your house is really nice. I don't really remember much from last time I was here," I said.

"Yeah and you were dead ass drunk, I remember," he said laughing.

"So when do you guys graduate?" Cameron asked out of the blue.

"In about a month, May 27th," Kade replied.

"That's soon," he said excitedly.

Kade walked over to the couch, sitting beside me. I moved my legs over his and rested my head on his chest. He pulled me closer, embracing me with his arms.

"It's weird having you here," he whispered.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"It's Saturday night, they're probably out with their friends," he replied.

"And Claire?" I asked.

"God knows where she is, probably causing trouble," he said.

"So it's just the three of us," I replied.

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