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"Can you believe we're actually graduating tomorrow?" I asked.

"After all this time, I always thought that I was ready, but this doesn't even seem real," Mak said.

We were laying on her bed, both facing the ceiling making small conversation. She was acting a bit different than normal, but I suspected it had a lot to do with the fact that we're actually graduating.

"It's a big step. We're so used to being at home, having things done for us and now it's like reality has struck. We're not kids anymore," I said.

"I wish my dad could be here," she whispered.

I moved towards her, resting my head lightly on her chest.

"He would've been proud of you Mak, you know that," I replied.

Her hands moved through my hair, playing with it softly. I loved when she did that. We stayed like that silently for God knows how long. We didn't even need to speak, there was a peacefulness between the two of us that neither of us could bring ourselves to interrupt.

The silence was interrupted by my phone ringing.

I'm sexy and I know it. It rung.

"What do you want Chris?" I asked as I picked up the phone.

Mak laughed quietly to herself. I knew I should have changed that ringtone when I had the chance.

"I'm throwing a pool party, if you don't come we're no longer friends," he said.

"When is it?" I asked.

"It's been going on for over an hour. Maybe if you checked your texts you'd know this," he said.

"Yeah okay, I'll be there in a few," I said, hanging up.

"I'm sexy and I know it?" she said laughing.

"He made that his ringtone and I just never had the chance to change it to something else," I said.

"Sure, okay," she replied sarcastically. "What did he want anyway?"

"He's having a pool party, we're invited," I said.

"Oh," she said, somewhat disappointed.

"What, did you not wanna go?" I asked.

"No, I do. Let's go," she said nodding.

"Are you sure? We don't have to," I replied.

"I'm positive, let's go," she said with a small smile.

She got up, walking over to her dresser and pulling out a swim suit. She began to undress, slipping on her bikini.

"If you stare any longer, you're eyes are gonna dry out," she said laughing.

"I'm sorry, I just can't get over how beautiful you are," I replied.

"Smooth, real smooth," she said with a smirk.

After quickly stopping by my place for me to change, we arrived at Chris' house. He wasn't kidding when he said he was gonna have a party, the place was packed with people.

I grabbed Mak's hand and we walked through the crowd, attempting to find either Chris or Olivia. After a few minutes of searching, I notice people were all staring up. That when I noticed Chris was standing on the roof of his house.

"He's such a fucking idiot," I spoke.

"How much are you willing to bet that he falls and hurts himself?" Mak said laughing.

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