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Let's go out tonight. I texted Danny.

Where to? He responded quickly.

Don't care, but I feel like getting wasted.

Okay, be there in an hour.

I hopped into the shower, cleaning myself off quickly, then getting out. I dried my hair, put a dress on and applied some quick makeup, just in time for Daniel to call to let me know he was here.

I grabbed my bag and made my way out the door.

"Makenna?" Mom said.

"I'm going out," I replied, slamming the front door behind me.

I walked over to Danny's car and got in. "Where we going?"


"Sure," I said, pulling off the parking break. "Drive boy!"

By the time we got there, my body was buzzing with excitement. I was having a good time tonight and nobody was going to stop me. I pulled out my fake and strutted over to the door.

Once we walked through the door, I was already heading to the bar. Danny was close behind, following me to the bar.

"Three tequila shots please," I said to the bartender.

He complied, filling three shot glasses and placed a lime next to each of them. I took them quickly, not sucking on a lime until after all three.

"Don't I get one?" Danny asked.

"Get your own asshole," I said laughing and walking towards the dance floor.

I soon found myself dancing, moving my body to the music. I had already grabbed a few more drinks and an edible. Someone grabbed my waist and ground me against them. I didn't pull away, that was until he had gotten a bit too excited for my taste.

I walked back to the bar, ordering three more shots. As I finished the last one, I could feel the affects of the first. I then stumbled back to the dance floor, letting the alcohol take over. My body moved to the music effortlessly, without a care who was watching.

"Kenz," Danny said.

"Danny," I stuttered, walking over to him.

"How much did you have to drink?" he asked.

"Not enough," I said laughing.

"I think I'm cutting you off," he chuckled.

"No, you can't. That's not fair," I said.

"Life's not fair," he said pulling my arm.

"I'm not going," I said planting my feet on the ground.

"Fine, find your own ride home. Call me tomorrow when you're not so fucking stubborn or fucked up," he said walking away.

I ignored his little tantrum and moved back to the dance floor. It's not my fault he can't have fun. I danced enjoying the music, until I saw a familiar face.

"Hey you," I said pointing at him.

"Me?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's Chris right?" I said stuttering over my words.

"Uh yeah," he said awkwardly.

"Wanna dance?" I said smirking.


I'm sexy and I know it. My phone rang, waking me up. I really needed to change Chris' ringtone back.

"What do you want Chris? It's three in the morning."

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