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Evil Queen

She has your eyes.

My pathetic half's words ran through my head as I gazed at my sister's child, my annoyance level growing as she continued wailing.

"God's sake." I grumbled, scooping the pink bundle into my arms, instantly soothing her surprisingly.

"There there." I whispered, procuring a metal rattle and softly shaking it in front of the fussy baby, getting her to calm down and smile up at me.

"You liked it the first time Auntie showed you the toy didn't you?" I whispered, balancing her in one arm while I plotted a new plan to suck my sister out of Regina's nauseating grasp.

"Zelena! Wake up!" I demanded, wincing as the baby yanked on my long lock of hair that fell over my shoulder in long voluminous curls.

"Regina?" Zelena cried hopefully, only making me groan and remove her baby's pacifier, causing her to wail loudly, calming her down once I placed the rubber back into her mouth.

"Mummy is coming sweet pea!" She moaned as she stumbled through the house, stopping in the doorway once she laid eyes on me with her child.

"Can you stop waking my baby in the middle of the night, thanks." She said in an annoyed tone, I sighed and rolled my eyes at her, holding the baby out to her.

"Fine by me, but if you really want her wailing all night I'll just leave her next time." I exhaled, smirking at her before setting myself into the creaking chair.

"What do you want?" She sighed, rocking her fussy infant who was making my headache increase immensely.

"We are going to destroy Regina's relationship with the people she needs the most right now, and I need to be sure that you will stay loyal to me, now can you do that?" I asked carefully, my tone mimicking a mother's to a small child.

"Why wouldn't I tell her? Who are you planning on hurting?!" Zelena asked in a panic, making my satisfaction increase.

"Snow White and her wretched family. The woman who is the cause for both of our problems." I snarled, her very name making my skin crawl.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She asked in an exasperated tone, only making my plan work nicer.

"She got Daniel killed. She made me watch as mother crushed his heart in front of me, forcing me to become her wretched stepmother. And as for you, she is the one who tore you and my pathetic half apart, she is the one Regina ran to the minute life got rough for her! She threw you to the side and blamed you for Robin's death, not even considering the fact that you killed your own love for her!" I yelled, watching as the rage boiled under her skin, only making mine lessen, and my satisfaction surface.

"So you won't tell?" I asked composing myself, her upper lip twitched and I watched as her fists ball at her hips, flickers of fire protruding from her palms.

"Of course I won't." She growled, making me fold my hands as if I were almost sincere.

"This will get your sister back. She will have no choice but to confide in you once this wretched family is gone, and you will be a family again." I said raising my eyebrow at her, making her upper lip quiver and hurt tears brim her blue eyes.

"I want my sister back."

Snow White

Regina seemed shaken, but Henry insisted that he would keep an eye on him, making me slightly relieved that she had him to watch over her.

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