Explain Please

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"Let go." Alena whispered, making me come back to reality and slowly back away from her.

"What the hell just happened?" She asked with a shaken voice, I swallowed and motioned to the sofa, waiting to see if Violet was going to stay or not.

"Violet can you give me a minute?" My daughter asked quietly, making me look at her wistfully, but the young girl nodded graciously and wandered into the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on? What happened when you touched me that suddenly made you believe me?" She cried, her hands trembling in front of her as she stared at them nervously.

"I got my memory back, I remember now." I whispered, wiping the tears that were dripping down my chin, she pinched her eyes shut and clenched her fists, worrying me because of the resentment she held towards the woman who had given her up.

"Why? Why did you give me up?" She asked, I swallowed and remembered that day as if it were yesterday.

"You were in danger, and being with me would have only endangered you more." I whispered, but she only shook her head and sniffled, her face hardening with my explanation.

"I would have gotten you if I had remembered, but my mother-."

"Don't blame this on anyone but yourself." She spat, growling at me as she jumped to her feet, the hatred towards me showing clearly in her face.

"I didn't remember Alena, if I would have known I would have gotten you in a heartbeat." I vowed, but she shook her head and pinched her eyes shut.

"There were so many other things that you could have done! You could have gone with me!" She sobbed, pure fury radiating from her skinny frame, exasperated that I would even consider leaving her.

"I don't know what to say, I'm sorry." I finally surrendered, she seemed to calm down but the cold look she gave me still lingered.

"I should go." She finally whispered, making me jolt to my feet and grip her wrist, causing her to turn and rip it from my grasp.

"Please stay, it's been sixteen years." I begged, but she only bit her lip and began to fight back tears.

"Exactly. Sixteen years of pure hell." She spat, stalking towards the door, Violet scurrying after her, shaking her head as an apology before following her friend.

My heart felt shredded as I stared at my white door, tears falling down my face as I felt her words register, the pain filling my chest as I remembered my own mother's words, vowing that her life here would be horrible, and it was, foster care without a stable family for sixteen years, not staying frozen for the curse when she landed in this world, just houses away from me while I adopted Henry! My son was the exact same age as her and she probably thinks my reasons were bullshit.

"Looking a bit rough aren't we?" A familiar voice taunted, a voice that I prayed that I would never have to hear again, one that only haunted my dreams with chilling nightmares about my past.

"I killed you." I whispered in horror, but the queen stood regally in the doorframe, very much alive and just as sinister as I remembered.

"Oh no you didn't, remember dear old Hyde? Remember his unfortunate demise?" She asked, making my blood freeze as I recalled the process for killing these evil doppelgängers.

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