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We sped up to the hospital where Eva and Chris were waiting with a gurney and a full medical team, along with my aunt who was in scrubs as well.

Teresa jumped out and began to fill her roommates in while my friend curled next to me, sobbing frantically in my arms. "It's going to be okay, I promise you." I whispered, letting go of her as the doors flung open and the team lifted her onto a gurney, rushing her inside.

I swallowed and followed them into the hospital, feeling Teresa's hand on my shoulder as I stared at the room that they took my friend into.

"Honey we need to talk." She said softly, sorrow evident in her voice as she lead me over to the waiting room.

"There is a strong chance that Violet miscarried tonight, and that she's going to have to deliver the baby as well." She nearly whispered, my heart freezing with fear and sorrow for my friend who was so lost and frightened.

"Wha- how did this happen? Did I do something wrong?" I asked in horror, my lip trembling as tears began to fill my eyes.

"No, completely unrelated, this just happens sometimes." She assured, but I just swallowed my tears and fanned my eyes until the tears went away.

"I need to call my brother and tell him." I said covering my mouth in sorrow, but she took my hand and pulled me back into my seat.

"You might want to wait, they're going to tell her soon and you should be with her when they do." She said tearing up herself, I nodded and waited until the door opened and Eva stepped out sadly, waving both of us over towards the room. I quickly sent the text and told my brother to get to the hospital before stepping into the room.

"Eva please tell me what's going on!" Violet cried as nurses helped her up in the bed, covering her lap which was bare due to Eva tearing her pants off to save her life.

"Hi hon." I whispered, moving beside her with Teresa who took her hand. "Please tell them to tell me what's going on with me!" She begged, sniffling at me as Eva discarded her gloves and handed the tray off to the nurse who left the room to give us some privacy.

"Violet, honey." Eva started, sitting on the edge of her bed with a wistful expression, a lump forming in all of our throats.

"Eva please save my baby." She cried, her voice cracking as she pleaded with the surgeon, rubbing her stomach protectively as the woman bit her lip.

"Sweetie, we did everything we could, but you unfortunately lost the baby." She revealed, however Violet knew, her face dropping as she began to cry, gripping my hand tighter as her sorrow engulfed her.

"We are so sorry baby." Eva said sadly, rubbing her knee to try and comfort her, but she only continued to cry.

"Sweetie, I have to also tell you that you're going to have to deliver the baby tonight so you don't get sick." She said gently, making her eyes grow and sob harder.

"I don't want to! Please don't make me!" She begged, but Eva just wiped a tear and took her hands, rubbing her knuckles to calm her down.

"Listen to me honey, you're going to have this baby tonight, it's just going to happen and you're going to hold this baby and memorize every feature on its face. You're going to kiss it and love it with all of your heart and never take it for granted." Eva whispered, nodding at Violet who mirrored it, sinking back into the bed with defeat.

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