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Two Weeks Later

"Good luck." Henry muttered to Alena while Robin reluctantly packed his belongings for Roland's camping trip for his scouts, both of my sons chuckling as I discovered that Alena got the short end of the stick going with me to my pregnancy class that Robin had signed me up for.

"Really, I can call someone and have Emma or somebody go with me if you really don't want to." I offered, but she shook her head and smiled slowly.

"Both of you will have a blast." Robin assured me, pulling me close as my small bump pressed against his firm middle.

"I love you, don't have too much fun with the forest animals, I'm going to need you back by the end of the weekend so I don't miss you too much." I said kissing him slowly, receiving a collective 'ew' from Henry and Roland.

"I love you too mama!" Robin giggled, swiping my feet out from under me and catching me securely in his arms before kissing me, making Roland giggle and pull at my shirt.

"Bye mama!" Roland cried, holding his hands up for me to grab him and scoop the small boy into my arms.

"Goodbye baby, I love you, have fun with daddy." I said kissing his cheek before setting him down on the tile.

"Bye bye Lena! Bye bye baby!" He cried waving at Alena, reaching up and pulling me lower, allowing him to grip the sides of my bump and kiss it before scurrying out the door.

"Bye mom." Henry said hugging me tightly before exiting the house, leaving Alena and I in silence.

"What time is this class?" She finally asked, her normally witty self seemed more reserved with the days following the wedding, concerning me that she was unhappy with the new marriage or baby.

"One thirty, so we have some time, I figured that we could spend the day together since you have to come to the class with me?" I offered, making a tight smile spread on her lips as she nodded and gathered her purse.

"Okay, but I'm paying." She declared, making me roll my eyes as I followed her out to the car.


My nerves jolted as I left my mother and sister alone for the weekend, I had been responsible and called Eva and Teresa that night to do a check up and exam to make sure that nothing was physically hurt, and thankfully she had walked away with only some soreness, and her HIV tests had come back negative, lifting a weight from my shoulders.

"What's bugging you lad? Don't want to spend some quality time with me and some four year old cub scouts?" Robin joked, clapping me on the back as he struggled to drive up the mountain, still getting used to the force of a truck.

"Nothing, I'm just nervous that the boys will want me to take them to the bathroom all night." I lied, getting a smile out of my stepfather as he continued to drive.

"Now they're not all girls remember, little Alexandra wants to be a scout too! Ashley even made her a sash for this trip!" He corrected, leading the caravan of parents into the forest to the location of our camping spot.

"We should take mama camping! Lena and baby too!" Roland cried from his booster seat, clutching his vest close to his chest in excitement as we approached the spot.

"I'm sure mama wouldn't want to go mister, she doesn't like to be stinky like us! And when the baby is born it will be too little!" Robin explained, making his dimples face drop in disappointment.

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