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I had never been more miserable in my life. Nausea consumed me as Emma silently drove us back to town, motion sickness had never been an issue for me, especially when I drove, but I could barely keep the coffee down that I had consumed hours before.

"Maybe you have the stomach flu? I know it's going around." Snow suggested, turning to face me, I groaned and curled into a ball in the backseat, pressing my eyes against the seat as the light and bumps in the road only made it worse.

"Pull over Emma I'm gonna puke." I moaned, throwing the door open, Emma's cold fingers gripped my arm as I tried to empty my stomach, only retching stomach acid, my whole body shaking and breaking into a cold sweat.

"Alright, okay, are you alright?" Emma asked once I seemed to finish, I exhaled shakily and nodded, slowly climbing into the backseat of the car.

"We're going to stop and get you some ginger ale and crackers." Emma whispered, the rush of magic filling my veins, only making my nausea worse.

Snow and I waited in the car while Emma gathered the items and rushed back out, the cold air making me break into a sweat.

"Did you eat anything gross?" Emma asked pulling into my driveway, I shook my head and slowly began to climb out of the car, stumbling to the garage as I hastily fiddled with the keypad, walking inside.

"Thanks, you guys can go if you want, I can take it from here." I moaned, gripping my sink to steady my words from coming out in slurs.

"No you can't, you can't even form a sentence right now." Emma chuckled, leading me to the sofa, I reluctantly accepted her help and curled on the sofa, hugging the garbage bin that she set on my lap.

"Regina? Have you had sex since Robin?" Emma asked carefully, making me look down sadly and shake my head.

"Even if I did I wouldn't be pregnant, so I'm just sick. I will always just be sick." I whispered, making the blonde look at her mother and sink into the couch.

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked, making me feel another bile rise in my throat.

"I'm barren you idiot. Why do you think that I adopted Henry? Because I was single? I didn't let that stop me before, I wouldn't have let it stop me to have a baby. When I was younger my mother wanted me to have a baby, supposedly for my own happiness, but I knew she just wanted an easier route to the throne, and after I mysteriously died in childbirth she would have a free line to the throne, and I knew my child couldn't grow up with her. So I drank a potion that made me infertile." I confessed, refusing to look at their faces, only getting a gasp out of Emma.

"I don't need a hope speech about how I still have a chance with having a baby, I have Henry even despite my stupidity." I grumbled, trying to get their stupid faces to change.

"I don't think you were stupid. That was the most motherly thing you could have done Regina, you knew that your own life would be a threat to your child, so you decided against subjecting any kid to the awful life you were forced to endure." Emma explained, consoling me slightly.

"Thanks Emma."


I woke up and automatically knew that I was not on my mat in the forest, my stomach twisting as I sat up amongst the fleece blankets and pillows in a small, plain room.

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