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Two Weeks Later

Alena seemed to be adjusting quietly into her new environment, merely slipping in and out of the house to go to and from school, then escaping to her room to engulf herself into her studies, her solitude worrying me slightly.

I wanted to help but Emma had reminded me not to pry, plus I had more things to worry about, important ones involving the Queen and my unborn child.

As things tried to adjust, it seemed like stress just began to pile up for everyone in the family, concerning me as the days passed.

I watched as Alena opened the door quietly, holding a bag from the discount store down the block, various frames and artwork pieces sticking out.

"What's that?" I asked shoving my pregnancy book into the kitchen drawer, making her jump and gasp.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I apologized, motioning to the bag, she exhaled and set it on the counter, pulling out frames that held pictures of her and Violet, along with another one holding her, Violet and Henry. I smiled and set it back down, waiting as she pulled more glass cases out filled with singing programs, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment as she shoved them under her arm and gathered the rest of her things.

"I wanted to do some decorating, is it alright if I hang these?" She asked politely, I nodded and rummaged through a cabinet, handing her some hooks.

"Thank you." She said slipping them into her pocket, disappearing upstairs without a word, the programs interesting me in her talents and activities, wondering if she continued with them.

The slamming door jostled me out of my thoughts and made me jump. Henry stood in the foyer with an agitated look on his face, his fists balled at his sides, while his whole body seemed soaked with rain.

"Oh my god! What happened!" I cried, rushing over to him, but he just rolled his eyes and began to peel his layers of clothes off, glaring at me as he stood in his socks and boxers.

"Regina- woah!" Alena gasped, staring at Henry who was soaked through and close to naked, making him jump and reach for my trench coat.

"Alena! God!" He cried, making a chuckle release from her lips, allowing mine to do the same, only getting a scoff out from my son.

"Oh! Okay! Laugh it up you two, but when you're done do you think next time it's pouring rain you can at least call someone to pick me up when you forget me!" He grumbled, making me sigh and follow my angry son up the stairs.

"Henry, come on sweetie, we were just joking. I'm sorry I forgot, things have been a bit hectic around here and I guess I lost track of the time." I admitted, but he only scoffed and ran into his room, mortified that he had been spotted in his underwear by his new sister.

"He's mad isn't he?" I heard Alena sigh, I turned and shuffled towards her, smiling gently at the nervous girl.

"He's a teenager, he's also trying to adjust to all this." I explained, making her nod and hold the frame of the three of them.

"Things have been weird, with the three of us, I just want things to go back to normal. Now that the word got out that the Queen found her long lost daughter people have been looking at me like a sob story, even my friends, and I don't want Henry to be uncomfortable with all this." She whispered, shocking me that she opened up to me.

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