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The door slammed with a thud, leaving the loft eerily silent, everyone waiting a beat to react. Both Robin and I slowly stood from the bed and made our way down the stairs, finding Emma gripping onto a chair with a furious look on her face.

"Swan I'm so sorry." I whispered, holding Robin's hand for support as we approached them frail blonde. "Everything hurts." She whimpered, referencing both her physical and emotional health at the moment.

"Why don't you sit?" I suggested, both Robin and I helping her into a seat at the table. "I can't go back, he's so angry, and I'm livid with him of course." She grumbled, giving me a heartbroken look, causing me to sympathize with her.

"Why don't you come home with us? Zelena and Belle can watch the kids and you can spend some time apart for the night?" I suggested, getting a nod of approval from Robin who was behind me.

"I couldn't do that guys, I'll just stay with my parents." She said proudly, trying to hide the hurt in her voice, the tears forming in her throats as her parents came to mind, along with their grief.

"Emma, you took care of everyone else, take a night for yourself." I argued, but she reluctantly glanced in my direction, not willing to stay over with us.

"Regina, I took your advice, I started treatment a couple days ago, just long enough for me to find a potential baby for Hook and I, and if it works then I'll be fine, but if not then I'm going off of it. The point is, I'm getting sick at night, and I don't want to bother you guys." She whimpered, staring at us with her eyes that were hollowed out with bags, her skin almost a translucent color.

"You stayed with me while I had Braxton hicks contractions all night! We can handle this, I promise. Let us take care of you." I said holding my hand out for her to take, the stubborn princess looked at us and sighed, knowing that she had no other choice.



My mother instructed me to take the kids to Zelena and Belle's home to stay over since Emma decided to stay with them after a fight that she apparently had with her husband over her unfortunate condition.

I sadly pushed the stroller down the street while Roland sat on the handle bars and clung to my sweater for balance. A couple passed me and I gasped when I realized that it was my father who had his arm around the Queen who was dressed in a purple velvet gown, leaning her head on his shoulder as they passed shops, he pointed to different items on display and whispered in her ear, but her somber expression remained constant, small smiles poking on the corners of her lips, however that was the extent of her emotions.  

I sighed sadly and realized that my father had a lot on his plate and at the moment the Queen was his priority. I exchanged a glance with him and watched as he expressed a longing expression with me, however sharply turning the Queen away in order to protect my newborn sister.

I strolled up to the house as the sun was setting and knocked on the door, revealing my aunt who smiled sadly and moved away from the door in order for me to push the stroller inside.

"Auntie Zee! Aunt B!" Roland cried, reaching out for Belle who didn't have a baby in her arms for once, happily taking Roland from the top of the stroller.

"Ready for a sleepover?" She asked in a soft voice, winking at her girlfriend before wandering off into the other bedroom.

"I can't stay, I have to go and check on Violet tonight." I declared, the story that my mother had told me about the witch and my stepfather still disgruntling me.

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