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Two Months Later

I felt my eyes flutter open and a warm feeling brew in the pit of my stomach as I got up to tend to Robin who was whimpering for her bottle of milk that I had prepared last night.

I had her this week while Robin and Regina prepared for their wedding, that I was still nervous about being invited to.

However my thoughts were interrupted with the sound of Belle's urgent voice calling for me from the bathroom.

"Belle? Love, what's wrong?" I asked nervously, knocking on the door gently, the sound of running water filling the air.

"It's happening again." She cried, her young voice making me a bit sympathetic to her fear and discomfort.

"Alrighty love, cover up so I can come in." I asked softly, placing a palm on the door, I heard her shuffle then click the lock to let me in.

She sat hunched over the counter with her towel hastily wrapped around herself while she squirmed in discomfort.

"Hey, take it easy, stressing out only makes it worse." I reminded, my previous training back in the forest coming to mind.

"Okay, please help me." She whimpered, I nodded and sat her on the edge of the bathtub, keeping a hand on her lower back to guide her while she gripped my arm for balance.

"Zelena, it hurts." She cried, on the brink of tears, I nodded and knelt in front of her, gently rubbing her knee, taking her shaking hand with my free one.

"Focus on me and try to breathe." I reminded, smiling softly at her, she nodded and did as she was told, groaning as my hand moved to carefully rub her tense stomach muscles.

"Better?" I asked when she seemed to relax and she nodded, giving my hand a final squeeze before opening her eyes.

"Better. Thank you." She said slowly trying to stand, her legs like jelly under her.

"Why don't you help me?" She asked smirking, looking at the steaming shower, I swallowed and gave her a funny look, but she shrugged and motioned towards the shower.



I pulled my sweater on and handed Belle hers, watching as she pulled it over her bump. "I'm so tired." She groaned, pulling the comforter back to her bed, slowly sliding in, taking her time to get comfortable.

"Good night love." I whispered, wandering out to get Robin and make breakfast for myself, heating her bottle up as I balanced my daughter on my hip.

"Life is good huh baby?" I asked smiling at my giggling baby, making raspberries on her neck as she clapped and nuzzled her face into my mop of curls.

"Zelena! Zelenaaaaaaa!!!" I heard Belle wail, the tone of her voice concerning me.

"Hold on baby." I whispered, kissing my startled infant before placing her in the bassinet.

I rushed in and found her curled in a ball with tears covering her face. "What's wrong love?" I asked climbing onto the bed beside her, she shook her head and shuddered trying to calm herself enough to speak.

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