Find Snow

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I sped down the highway as I tracked my stepdaughter without her knowing, as good of a tracker that she is, she had no idea how a gps worked.

I groaned as I entered the busy city of New York, for once traveling here without Emma's help, the metropolitan lifestyle proving to be quite daunting.

Thankfully I found myself driving out of the crowded city and into more secluded parts of town, reluctantly parking outside  of Central Park where people apparently gathered for social interactions.

I slowly walked through the park as my stomach still disagreed with me, making it difficult to focus on the task at hand, so I simply continued scanning the crowd for my devastated stepdaughter, paranoid that my navigation was off.

"HEY LADY?! WHAT THE HELL!" I heard a man scream, making me turn around and face a bicyclist who was thrown on the ground with a dizzy look, I glanced up and saw Snow rushing away on the bike, eager to get out of the park.

Oh hell no.

I began to run as fast as my heeled boots would carry me, slowly catching up with Snow on the bike, the look of fear in her eyes as she tried to speed up.

I grumbled and kicked a pebble in her direction, getting it caught in the wheel, sending her flying over her handlebars and into a bush.

"Regina!" She cried, scrambling out of the bush, an annoyed look appearing on her face, I stopped to catch my breath and cursed the fact that I was so tired after such a short sprint, my nausea picking up again.

I went to yell and scold her when my deep breathing seemed to fail me and I hunched over a bush, vomiting my breakfast up, realizing that Snow was far out of sight when I stood back up again.

"WHERE DID SHE GO?!" I yelled at a young man sitting on the bench with a hotdog in his mouth.

"Um, she took keys and started running!" He mumbled, crumbs falling down his face, my blood froze and I scrambled for my keys, but they were gone, along with my Mercedes that was speeding down the street. 

"SHIT!" I yelled, my frustration with this woman growing as I stood in the street, a taxi soaking me with a dirty, cold puddle.

"YOU ASS!" I screamed, yanking my phone out of my purse, angrily dialing until the ringing ended on the other line.

"EMMA!" I screamed, my fury rising as I shivered from the disgusting street water. "I AM SOAKING WET AND YOUR MOTHER STOLE MY CAR!" I yelled, tossing my wet locks of hair out of my face.

"Oh god, I'm on my way, just wait inside a Starbucks or something until I get there." She instructed, hanging up, I exhaled and tossed my phone back into my ruined purse, trudging down the street into the cold cafe.

"I'm here." Emma texted, entering the coffee shop with a bag of clothes and shoes for me, holding it out with a trying smile. "I'm sorry she's acting like this, I have no clue what's going on with her." Emma apologized, I cautiously took the bag and stared her down, still uncomfortable over our encounter regarding the death of her father.

"Thanks." I whispered, pulling a pair of her jeans out along with one of her infamous sweaters and booties.

"Um, about the night my father died..." She began, but I shook my head to stop her, making  her ignore me and grip my arms.

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