Beating the Clock

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"ZELENA! WHAT'S WRONG! Gah help me! DON'T LET HER DIE ZELENA! IF YOU HAVE TO KILL ME DO IT BUT DON'T YOU DARE LET HER DIE!" Regina screamed at her sister while she conducted an exam, making Robin's eyes widen with absolute fear. "NO! ZELENA LISTEN TO ME! YOU SAVE THEM BOTH YOU HEAR ME! SAVE REGINA AND OUR BABY!" Her husband demanded while holding his wife tight, tears covering her face.

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN! Listen to me!" Zelena yelled from between Regina's legs, rubbing her knees gently, I held my breath and waited for the prognosis, squeezing Alena's hand as she trembled nervously behind me, keeping her eyes shut out of fear.

"Regina you're fine, the baby dropped down into position and you had an 'earthquake contraction' which made your uterus contract a bit more that time and the feeling probably scared you, everything is going according to plan, just relax sweetie, you have an entire mini pool to yourself." She explained, rolling her eyes as she stepped out of the platform spa, scoffing while she dried herself with a towel, wringing her sopping red curls out on the carpet.

"Sweetie, let me grab you some towels to lean on." Robin whispered once Regina relaxed in his arms and exhaled, sinking lower in the pool making the water cover her shoulders.

"Hurry back." She said closing her eyes as he climbed out and slipped across the floor to the other side of the room. "Go talk to mom, see if she's doing okay." Alena whispered in my ear, pushing me towards the large pool of water.

"Mm! They're getting worse! God! Robin get back here! Ahhhh!!!!" She screamed, holding herself up from behind, shaking from the agony. I bit my lip and leaned over the edge of the large pool to grab her hand, but her hand gripped my wrist and pulled me in, soaking me through.

"Gah! Shit this hurts really bad! Ahhhh god!!!" I wiped my eyes from the water and wrapped my arms around hers from behind, letting her grip my hands and growl through her teeth.

"I'm here baby, breathe." Robin cried, rushing up the slippery steps and in front of his gasping wife, placing one hand on her stomach and the other on her cheek.

"I want her out! Get this baby out of me! Robin get her out!" Regina demanded as the pain clearly got worse, her grip on my wrists growing painful. "Breathe Regina, ten more seconds." I reminded, resting my chin on her shoulder while her body tensed.

She relaxed and leaned back on me, trying to even out her breathing as her grip on my wrists eased up. "I want to get out, I don't want to have my baby in a hot tub." She moaned, getting a laugh out of everyone, lightening the mood of the underground birthing bunker.

"Okay let's get you out of here sweetie." Robin whispered happily, scooping his wife into his arms and carefully climbing out.

"Alright sis, how are your contractions doing?" Zelena asked once Robin set her down in the bed. "Closer! Ah!" She cried, climbing onto her hands and knees with as much grace that a pregnant woman of her size could manage.

"Huhh!!! Am I close?! I feel like I've been in labor for hours!! Uhh!!! I don't want to do this any more!" She complained, I just rubbed her elbow and recalled how torturous labor could be.

"Why don't I check?" Zelena said with a trying smile, helping Regina onto her back, propping her up on her elbows while she checked in between contractions.

"Okay...well it looks like you're about six centimeters, which is wonderful progress from three centimeters." Zelena said winking at her exhausted sister, rubbing her knee to boost her spirits.

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