How To Save A Life

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I felt my stomach sink to my toes as I heard the situation that was playing out, Alena was repeating her own history and I knew I had to speak up to her distressed mother who looked like she might give birth on the sofa from the stress.

"We need to find her now." I declared, trying to suppress the nausea as I stood, making Henry give me a funny look before nodding at his mothers.

"Why?! What's wrong?!" Regina cried, nearly in tears, her hand finding Henry's as he squeezed it to calm her. "Calm down because you're not going to want to hear this." I said carefully, sliding next to her on the sofa, feeling the stress that was radiating from her body.

"You're scaring me." She whispered, I swallowed and folded my hands, reliving that horrible day. "Three years ago, while she was still in the system, Alena- Mrs. Locksley, she's a very broken girl, she was very depressed and she tried to kill herself." I said, feeling my throat constrict while looking at Regina's expression drop.

"Wha- why- did anyone- WE HAVE TO FIND HER!" She screamed, I nodded but gripped her hand, waiting for her to calm down.

"We will find her but we need to find her without a head full of steam, we won't get anywhere!" I said carefully, Emma nodded and placed a hand on her friend's shoulder, allowing Regina to relax.

"Let's go home and get something of hers and you can use your magic on it to find her." Regina said trying to pull her emotions in check, wiping her cheeks as she struggled to stand.

"Alright, lets go find her."


I sat in my mother's vault and sealed the entrances, curling into the corner while I stared at the bottle of pills in my hand, my head feeling like it would explode.

I almost killed someone. I almost took someone's life and I wanted to do it again, which only disgusted me further. The look on my mother's face replayed in my head as I felt horrified tears melt down my cheeks as I reached for the cap, my hands shaking as I twisted it open, looking at the array of pills.

I went to pour them into my mouth, but I knew I couldn't just leave my family without a proper goodbye.

I pulled out my phone and started recording, the silence sickening me as I stared at my pathetic face in the reflection.

"Mom, I'm sorry I have to say goodbye this way, but I don't want to hurt you anymore than I have already." I began, getting cut off by the slamming on the large door, footsteps running across the roof as they tried to push the grave back, failing inevitably.

"Alena! Please open the vault!" I heard my mother beg, only making more tears rush down my cheeks as I persevered with my video.

"I'm so lucky to have found you, and my dad, even though he's been a bit busy trying to keep the Queen in check, but you gave me a family-."

"Alena! Sweetie let me talk to you! Don't do this please!" I heard her sob, only making this harder as I tried to focus and film this video for her.

"I love you all so much, and I'm so excited for you guys and this baby, and this is why I need to do this, because I can't be hurting you guys, especially with this little girl that you're bringing into the world, so don't worry about me, I just need to go because I don't fit here." I finished, hitting the button and setting the phone on the floor beside me, glaring at the pills in my fist, listening to them shake in my hand as I lifted the pile of pills to my mouth.

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