Good Lesson

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The Evil Queen

I stared at my royally large bed and sighed as I began to undress, not looking forward to the marathon of emotions that sleep usually was for me.

I brushed my hand over the picture of Daniel that sat inside of the elaborate frame on my nightstand, a matching one of Robin and I beside it, shredding my heart.

My grief pressed down on my chest as I slipped into bed, making my whole damn plan seem ridiculously pointless.

The images of their gruesome deaths replayed in my head, causing a stupid tear to run down my cheek, only making more follow.

The exhaustion following shortly, tiring me out.

"What the hell is your deal?" I heard my sister question from the foot of my bed, waking me abruptly.

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?!" I spat, my voice still shaking from my embarrassing crying.

"I thought that you'd be devising a plan to hurt Regina?" She said in a confused tone, her baby strapped to her chest while she stood impatiently.

"I already have a plan you half wit. Now you see, I don't just magically look like this by chance, I need my beauty sleep, so scram." I spat, wiping my nose that was running.

"What's wrong?" Zelena asked disregarding my request, I rolled my eyes and began to realize why Regina kicked her out.

"Nothing." I grumbled, pulling the blanket higher, wrapping it around myself to block out the pain that I was feeling.

"Bull shit." Zelena retaliated, annoying me further, but I remembered that I needed to remain composed if I was going to use her.

"I hate Regina. I hate that she split us. All of the grief that she felt, well she gets it mixed with the goodness mixed inside of her, I just get the grief along with the heartache of being bad. Both Daniel and Robin, that pain is fresh in my heart every day, and I will never get over it! So there is nothing that you can do, that ANYONE can do as a matter of fact! So don't try, don't try to give me any pep talks, or cheer me up, or anything! I am who I am, Regina gets the luxury of moving on, of having people help her, but by the time I'm done with that whore she will have no one and nothing but struggles and pain!" I vowed, glaring at the door before shooing her out of the room.

"Well what are you planning on doing?" She finally asked, I exhaled and slipped out of my bed, gripping my silk robe and tying it around myself.

"Follow me." I commanded, rushing out of my room, shoving the door open while I rushed into my vault of magic.

"What is this?" Zelena asked as I picked up the wooden carved box.

"All Regina wanted when she was with, well, Robin, you pulled a fast one and planted a seed of envy in her. She wants a child, but while she was with him, we couldn't have children, but now, I am going to hurt her in a way that is worse than anything you could possibly do." I shrilled, holding the box close to my chest.

"What the hell are you talking about? I already did the baby thing and believe me it wasn't all that it's cracked up to be! Regina didn't let me have an epidural, plus, she just got even more bossy and annoying." My sister whined, but I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose to avoid an outburst.

"Oh shut up you. Please, what you did was only a scratch on the surface compared to what I'm going to do. Inside this box I have a frozen fertilized egg, from Regina, when we split both of us got our fertility back, unbeknownst to her of course, now this embryo is the only product left of her and Robin, and I am going to put it inside of myself, and make her watch as I raise her child, the only spawn of her- well me and Robin." I shrilled, stroking the box lovingly before looking up at my sister who had a nervous look on her face.

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