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Staying hidden from my sister seemed like a full time job, and quite frankly, I was beginning to miss my farm house, especially with a baby.

The conditions seemed to lessen each time I had to move to a new place, but this one seemed like a new low, especially since there was no running water or electricity.

I shivered under a thin sheet while I bundled my baby warmly with the remaining blankets, praying that she'd be alright. I cursed myself for taking her with me, even if she were a prisoner with the Queen, at least she could provide for her.

There was a soft knock at the door, and my limbs seemed frozen through, making it difficult to make the short walk from the sleeping area to the door.

I opened it and found Belle standing on the doorstep, a nervous look on her face as her hand rested on her baby bump.

"Hello bookworm." I said trying to retain my heat, her eyes grew as she saw me holding my baby in my dump of a home.

"God, I'm here to help you, so mock me later. I know the Queen is after you, so get your things and come on, you're going to live with me now." She declared, yanking on my arm with a smile.

The Evil Queen

My mirror began to illuminate as I dressed myself, Daniel remained sleeping in the bed, his features soft as he remained slumbering.

I tapped the glass and gasped at the image of Robin standing on Regina's doorstep, shock filling his expression as he stared at Alena.

Shock flooded my heart as I stared at the man that I thought I'd never see again. The man who was the cause for my fresh pain that caused me to cry myself to sleep in secret.

My pain over him that even Daniel had trouble soothing with his gentle words. My words struggled to come out as I glared at the mirror, my frustration brewing as I tried to contemplate what I wanted, my heart aching for my Robin.

"What's bothering you your majesty?" Daniel whispered, placing a firm hand on my shoulder, I tensed and wiped the mirror clean of the image, my heart constricting as Robin filled my thoughts, clouding all of my judgement.

"Nothing, just trying to tie my corset." I muttered, blinking back my tears as the guilt filled my chest, he was here, he cared.

"Let me." He offered, his soft hands brushing against my trembling stomach, lacing the cords gently, tugging at my figure.

"Why don't you wear something a little more comfortable?" He asked innocently, I went to snap but my fire inside of me fizzled as he looked at me with his kind eyes.

"I don't own anything else, and this is all I have and people wouldn't be as scared of me in normal clothes that my weaker half wears." I explained, making his face drop and pull me closer.

"Well, why would you need to scare people? I love you just the way you are." He asked, but I shook my head and looked down, self loathing filling my heart as I reflected on the fact that I couldn't be anything but this fearsome, evil, wretched queen.

"Because I'm not Regina, you may have fallen in love with me this time around, but I am the rotten version of Regina. I am the stronger, harder, colder version, so everyone loves Regina, but they hate me, so I need to scare everyone, because charming them is out of the question, so this is my armor, my shield to keep my order over my people, maybe even the people I love." I whispered, staring painfully into his piercing blue eyes.

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