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I jumped and caught my limp wife who collapsed in my arms, fear filling my body as I looked down at her frail frame, her forehead clammy and cold along with the rest of her body, the slow rise and fall of her chest sounding shallow.

"Regina?! Regina!" I cried, lifting her into my arms, looking up at Alena who stood frozen in the room, staring at her hands in horror.

"Alena call 9-1-1!" I ordered, kneeling on the floor, carefully rocking my wife and child, praying that they would be okay.

"Baby wake up! Come on sweetie open your eyes!" I begged, carefully holding her.

"Please don't die." I cried, my voice a faint whisper as I pleaded with God, trying to bargain my own life away in exchange for hers.

"She's going to die?!" Alena cried, all of the stress proving to be too much as I stared at my unconscious wife in my arms.

"No." I decided, scooping her into my arms before rushing out of the house, yelling back at Alena to call Snow and to meet us there when I call.

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me until I saw the ambulance running down the street, watching it stop as I approached it with my pale wife in my arms.

"Help! Please help me!" I begged, Teresa jumped out of the ambulance and nodded, pulling the gurney out in the middle of the street, laying her down on the bleached sheets.

"Let's get her inside and over to the hospital." She ordered to the younger paramedic, motioning for him to take the wheel while she worked.

"Alright Regina, let's look at you." She began, taking my wife's unoccupied hand and injecting a needle into it, fluids immediately running into her veins. Blood pressure numbers and other medical terms were being read aloud as we drove, the situation falling into a routine until we arrived at the hospital.


The trauma bay was full of patients who all seemed to be dying, exhausting me as I exited a surgery and rushed to another, my husband rushing past me with a wink to work on a woman who had an arrow lodged in her chest, something I wanted to scrub in on after I checked on what my pager was buzzing rapidly for.

I was about to ask the nurse what was coming in when I saw the paramedic bust open the doors to the ambulance and unload the patient. I rushed to the gurney and began to asses the situation, listening to her report from Teresa who had most of the fundamentals already done for me.

"Oh god, it's Regina." I gasped, looking at the pregnant woman in front of me, dread setting in as I realized that I'd be working on one of my own.

I heard a groan come from her lips, but her consciousness never followed. "I've got you hon, I'm going to take care of you and your baby." I promised, taking out my shears and cutting the right black dress off of her, revealing a pair of black tights and spandex that were concealing her seven month bump.

"Goodness gracious!" I exclaimed, cutting the layers off before slipping her into a gown, trying to figure out what she was dealing with.

"Can I have a fetal monitor and a blood pressure cuff please?" I asked, taking out an ultrasound kit, a nurse nodded and quickly strapped it to Regina's stomach, setting it up for me as I looked at the strangely unharmed baby.

I gathered the vitals and saw nothing out of the ordinary, only scaring me further into the unknown. "Get her up to recovery, get more fluids into her and brief the family, I need to make a few calls." I ordered, dialing the hospital phone for some answers.

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