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My daughter and Regina were apparently busy so I of course held down the fort with the kids, thankfully I had Henry's help with the little ones, but I was not going to be the one to inform him about his apparent sister, well both of his siblings that Regina was keeping from him.

"Hey, who has been watching Robin?" Henry asked nervously, but I only shrugged and chased after Neal who was now becoming mobile, making sure he didn't smack his head on a table.

"Belles been watching her." I answered, scooping my screaming son up to keep him from entering the death trap that was the kitchen.

"No? I saw her this morning in town, she didn't have the baby with her, she said that mom took her, but mom didn't have her either." He said, my stomach dropped and I immediately fished through my purse for my keys.

"Grandma?" He asked, I started rushing out of the door, dread filling my body.

"We have to get Robin back now."


The girl blinked a few times and glared at me, clearly uninterested in having a conversation with the woman who tore her friend's heart out.

"I know you're pissed, fuming, maybe even enraged, because I went through exactly what you did." I said slowly, watching her roll her eyes and scoff.

"Doubt it." She muttered, but I only chuckled and sat down on the edge of the bed, crossing my arms.

"I was born in the Enchanted Forest, and five minutes after I was born my parents put me through a magical wardrobe so I could escape a curse and save them on my twenty-eighth birthday. I grew up for twenty eight years without a parent and on my birthday Henry showed up on my doorstep and told me that I was his mother and that my parents were in town, the parents that I spent my whole life searching for, and they were magically in the town where my son was raised! Oh! And it was true, they were there, and guess what! We are all the same age! So that was a shock to me, and they wanted a relationship with me, but I didn't, I felt in my heart of hearts that if they truly wanted me, if they wanted to give me my best chance then they'd find a way to keep us all together, and that maybe I would've had a decent life compared to the shithole that was my childhood. But after talking to my parents, I realized that they just wanted what's best for me, and giving me up was more painful for them than it was for me." I said sternly, giving her a hard look before receiving a guilty one from her.

"Look, Regina is a good person, and as much as it hurt you, giving you up was one of the hardest thing she has ever done, and trust me the things that woman has done, I could never do. She loves you and she wants you to be a part of our family, give her a chance, having a family and accepting them is much better than not having any at all." She began to tear up and dropped her eyes to the blanket, wringing her hands.

"So can I let her in now?" I asked, she bit her lip and lifted her eyes, nodding slowly.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."


I watched Emma speak with my daughter who laid in her bed, her expression dropping as the blonde continued her speech, placing a kiss on my daughter's head before turning to me and nodding.

"Is she okay?" I asked nervously, she smiled softly and nodded, pointing towards the door where my daughter laid.

"Alena?" I whispered, pulling my sweater around myself, but her eyes remained on her lap her whisky irises filling with tears.

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