Dark Heart

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Warning: Mature Content Ahead


I slowly slid out of bed and wandered down the hall, wondering if my husband had returned from the doctors with Roland, the baby nudging my insides with each step.

"Regina what the hell are you doing up? Go lay down right now before I kick your ass back into bed!" Emma cried from down the hall, but I just brushed her off and waddled towards her, trying to comprehend where my husband could be.

"Did Robin come home last night?" I asked my blonde friend, she pursed her lips and looked down, clearly keeping something from me. "What do you know? Emma I swear you better tell me this instant or I swear to god..." I started, but she just held her hands up and bit her lip.

"Fine, but please sit down." She bargained, making me groan since this was the only way I'd get that information.

I sighed and slid back into bed, my nerves shaking from anticipation. "Roland was coughing up blood last night, I guess he was sick and he just kept getting worse. Robin took him to the emergency room last night, that's why I came, well this morning I got a text from Belle, and I guess the hospital was packed last night and Roland needed help, so he had Zelena take them to the Enchanted Forest to heal him." Emma finished, I felt my stomach drop as if I were on a steep rollercoaster, twisting me in every direction without warning.

"She took them without telling me?" I shuddered, feeling somewhat appalled that he asked my sister for help before me, and that he took our sick son without consulting with me.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked immediately, but Emma just shrugged, clearly just as clueless as I was. I felt overwhelmed and jumped at the sound of Eva's text, informing me that my labs came back positive and that I was cleared from bed rest.

"Mom?" I heard a familiar voice ask, almost a whisper, making both Emma and I turn to see our son standing in the doorway.

"What is it Henry?" Emma asked, my bones stiffened as I watched my son slowly enter the room, the look on his face clearly perplexed as he kept his stare on me.

"Good morning Henry." I tried, like I did every morning, praying that he would forgive me for the way I had treated him over the debacle with Alena.

"Good morning mom." He responded, hope rushing through my veins as he replied with a soft smile.

"Can I have a minute?" He asked his blonde mother, she nodded and quietly left the room, closing the door behind her, leaving us alone. I slowly stood and faced my son, his expression changing as I approached him, the nervousness appearing more evident with every step I took.

"I know you came to visit me last night in the hospital." I began, watching his eyes widen in horror at the realization that I had heard what he had told me in my comatose state.

"Mom...I'm so sorry, I should have never said those awful things- I was just mad- and you almost died and I-" He tried, but I could see the tears welling up in his eyes as he attempted a heartfelt apology.

"Come here baby." I said hugging him close, feeling his arms snake around my waist and shake as he cried, shocking me since he refused to cry in front of me ever since the diamond almost destroyed us all, claiming that he had to be strong for me.

"Henry, you were right to be angry with me, you just wanted to help your sister, and she trusted you enough to keep her secret, and you were a loyal brother and kept your word, no matter who tried to talk you out of it, even me." I said rubbing his back, feeling him calm down with every circle that I kneaded. "You're really not mad at me?" He asked, sniffling before sitting up from my shoulder, I nodded and smiled at him, rubbing my thumb over his tear stained cheek.

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