A Savior

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"Where the hell are we going?! Gah!!!" Regina screamed beside me, crushing my hand as we drove deeper into the woods, both of us sat in the backseat with Alena who looked absolutely mortified while Zelena finalized her instruments and tools in the front with Robin who was speeding.

"I've told you this a million times, I can't tell you!" I said calmly, carefully rubbing her shoulder as she squirmed in discomfort. "I've seen it Regina, it's going to be fine." Zelena assured from the front seat, turning to face her sister while Robin drove. "We'll hurry up and get there! I don't want the first thing that the baby sees to be the backseat of my Mercedes!" She groaned, crushing the bones in my hand, causing me to silently wince.

"You passed it!" Zelena screamed in the front seat, growing agitated with her brother in law who was too flustered to drive.

"I can't drive with everyone screaming at me!" He yelled trying to defend himself, only making Regina flinch. "She has a tiny you coming out of her! It's not pleasant!" Zelena snapped, defending her sister's groans from the backseat. "I didn't ask for you to have that baby." He grumbled, only irritating everyone in the car. "Okay! Enough!" I declared, getting everyone to silence and sit in discomfort while Regina relaxed between a contraction.

"Listen, tensions are high right now, we are working under tight circumstances and I know not all of us get along, but you all need to suck it up and put this behind us because Regina and the baby need our undivided support and attention, so we need to cooperate together and forget our stupid disagreements so this baby can come into the world safely! Okay?!" I demanded, looking at the shocked car, including Regina who just glanced at me nervously.

"Yes ma'am." Robin answered along with a mutter from Zelena as he turned the car around. "Mmm gah!!! Hurry babe!!" Regina cried, hating this bumpy car ride, Robin just remained silent and pulled up to a large boulder surrounded by other huge rocks. "I am not giving birth in the forest! Hell no! Take me to the hospital!" Regina demanded, rolling her head back on the seat painfully. "You're not going to, so just relax while we get you situated." Zelena scoffed, climbing out of the car, signaling us to do the same, Alena climbed out and cleared the way for Robin who clutched his wife's hands while I helped scoot her towards him. He went to lift her to her feet but she shook her head and stopped him.

"Contraction." She moaned, hunching forward, holding onto his arms. "Breathe love." Her sister reminded, but she just groaned and shook.

"Mmm, I want drugs." She complained, I just chuckled and helped her up once she seemed less tense. "You don't need those! None of us had them and we're still here!" I reminded, leaning her into Robin, taking a nervous Alena with me towards Zelena who shot a blast of magic at the boulder, getting it to flip up like a door, revealing a staircase underneath. "Don't be scared, your mom can do this." I whispered to the young girl, but she just played with her fingers and bit her lip. "I just hate seeing her in so much pain." She admitted, making me sigh, knowing that it would only get uglier from this point. "Well it's going to get worse, and honestly we needed another set of hands, plus your magic can protect us all." I said placing a hand on her back, but she stiffened and bit her lip. "I haven't used magic since...well you know." She muttered, I nodded in consideration and folded my hands. "I know, but Zelena is going to be busy working on your mom, and you're the only one we can trust to protect her and the baby, I promise I'll be here to help you if you need it." I said sternly, watching her nod and squeeze my hand before releasing and taking a bag of Zelena's supplies down the stairs.

"Come on you two, it'll be much comfier down there." I said helping Regina towards the hole, conveniently during a break. "I don't want to do this." She moaned while I helped her into the tunnel, letting Robin seal us underground, ducking as Zelena added another layer of magic to seal us in. "I know, but soon you'll have a baby." I said trying to raise her spirits. "HAH!!! Oh my god it hurts so bad!" She cried, making everyone jump as she hunched over me groaning. "I know sweetie, breathe it away." I instructed, glancing at Zelena and Alena who glanced out of the hidden room at the end of the hall, almost like a war bunker.

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