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"Braxton Hicks? That's what I had?" I asked as Eva discarded her gloves, she nodded and I felt Robin's worried grip hold me tighter from his fear.

"Yeah, they're fake contractions, they feel like the real ones, somewhat, but they come sporadically throughout your last couple of months, just getting you ready for the real thing. Baby looks good, she's growing nicely and isn't in any harm, so keep doing what you're doing, try and stay relaxed, that will help, and just enjoy these last months." Eva advised while walking out, but my mind still rested with my daughter.

"Don't scare me like that again." Robin gasped, keeping me in his lap as he kissed my temple, rubbing slow circles on my stomach.

"It was just my uterus being stupid, Alena had nothing to do with this! Babe, she's gone! She thinks that she hurt me, we have to find her!" I cried, struggling to sit up and find the feeling in my legs.

"Regina please sit down." Robin complained, getting up to pull me back on the couch, but I pulled away and shook my head.

"No, Eva told me not to stress, my child is gone Robin, I have no clue where she is at and she is known to have a self destructive streak. Staying here and waiting will only stress me out further, I'm coming with you, plus I feel fine." I said pulling my jacket on, defiantly handing him his before opening the door.

"Regina..." He sighed, wrapping a secure hand around my waist before contemplating. "I'm not asking your permission, if you leave me here I will just go on my own." I declared, he sighed and nodded, holding the door out for me.

"Fine, well at least tell me where we're going first." He said unlocking the car, I climbed in and strapped the seat belt across my expanded middle.

"We're getting Daniel."

We pulled up to the location where my tracking spell led us, a simple apartment proving that this was where he was.

"Why isn't he with Rayna?" Robin asked suspiciously, but I only shrugged and slipped out of the car.

"Wait! It could be dangerous!" Robin protested, blocking my path, I rolled my eyes and started forward, rubbing the bottom of my stomach as I continued up the walkway to the building.

"I can handle it." I muttered, but my husband grabbed my arm and stopped me. "With magic! Regina you know how the baby affects you when you use magic!" Robin cried, making a fair point, I sighed and finally realized that he was right, and that I had my other baby that I needed to protect.

"Well what do you suggest?" I asked nervously, squeezing his hand, he exhaled and pulled out his bow and arrow, drawing it as we stalked inside, keeping me protectively behind him.

We followed the floating engagement ring that I had gotten back from Jefferson that Daniel had given me all those years ago.

We arrived at the door and Robin kicked on it fiercely, but there was no reply, making me worry.

"Daniel! Daniel open the door it's Regina!" I yelled, praying that he was there, or already looking for her.

"Regina go away!" Daniel cried, fear laced in his voice, making mine grow. "Break it down." I whispered to my husband, watching him nod and kick in the door, making it splinter and fly into the room.

We rushed in and I found Daniel in the corner of the room, his hands tied to the bedpost with strong knots.

"What happened! Who did this to you?!" I cried, going to undo his knots, but he shook his head and shrunk away from me.

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