Have a Little Chat

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I walked into our bedroom where Regina was bundled like I had left her, silently torturing herself over the mishap that happened earlier, Snow watched me enter and stood, slowly placing a kiss on the top of my wife's head before walking out, patting my shoulder as she exited.

"Regina, please talk to me." I begged, sliding under the duvet next to her, but she just shed a tear and wrapped her arms around herself, squeezing her eyes shut to block the tears.

"Hey, listen to me love, you messed up, but that doesn't mean that life stops, Henry will cool down, Alan is ready to talk, it's just too many things were said in the heat of the moment without thinking, and we all just need to clear the air." I explained, but she just shook her head and lowered her eyes to avoid mine.

"He was right! I couldn't be there for her because I caused a riff in our relationship from the moment she was born! I sent her away and she can't trust me with things like this! Henry has known her for a while, they've been friends forever and I never noticed her! I would just pick Henry up from school and take him home without thinking twice about the little girl that he was playing with, why I never saw her parents, or why her shoes looked so dirty, because I'm a horrible mother! She hates me now because I flipped out earlier and won't tell me things ever again! And this baby won't be any different!" She sobbed, leaning into my chest, wailing loudly as she replayed the events of the morning.

"Hey, shh, none of that is true, things got out of control today because you're stressed and scared, what happened to Alena is traumatic for all of us, and we acted without thinking." I explained, holding her close to my chest as she quieted down, holding my jacket while she calmed slightly.

"And as for the baby, you're doing fine, you're a wonderful mother to all of your children, and this baby won't be any different, you're already doing marvelous just by carrying our little one, parenting it will be a piece of cake." I assured, but she still seemed uneasy.

"They're still angry, and Alena said so herself that she won't tell me anything, what if she doesn't want to talk to me in general?! We were just getting close!" She panicked, but the creaking of the door silenced her.

"That's not going to happen." Her daughter whispered, I exhaled and relaxed when I realized that things would slowly start to heal.


I entered the room and saw my distraught mother in the arms of her husband sobbing, her eyes red and puffy as she sat in his lap.

"That's not going to happen." I promised, getting her to silence and stare at me with her large brown eyes that we both owned.

"I'll give you two a minute." Robin said graciously, setting her down on the mattress before rushing out, leaving both of us alone.

"Alena, I'm sorry." She whispered, but I shook my head and slowly climbed next to her, exhaling slowly.

"Mom it's not your fault, it's mine. I'm just so- well, I can't trust people easily, and I know how much you tried to make up for those years, but when this happened, I couldn't do it. It wasn't because I didn't trust you, but it was that if I did tell you, something might be done about it, and it would make the whole thing real. I knew Henry would do what I asked, and I trusted him to keep my secret because I wanted to endure it on my own, not because I thought you wouldn't help me. I just wasn't ready to ruin my family's lives by dragging all of us into this dark place that I've been living in, and it was wrong of me, because I didn't want to hurt you or stress you out, but I ended up doing that anyways!" I cried, dropping my eyes to my hands, my lip trembling as I prepared myself for my second part of my speech.

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