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I woke up with my daughter curled into my side, her face splotchy from her tears that she had cried, causing the wispy curls to stick to her cheek.

As I stated at her my heart ached at the fact that I hadn't known my precious daughter as a baby, that I never got to see her growing up, on her first day of school, her dance recitals, every moment that a mother should have been there for. I gently brushed the stray ringlets away from her face and gazed at her, taking in her beauty.

A soft knock at the door interrupted the serene morning that I was enjoying, but I figured that my sister needed to return my children to me after her hard night.

I carefully slipped out from under the blanket and rushed to the door, slowly opening it to find Daniel on the doorstep with a broken expression.

"Daniel? What's wrong?!" I asked nervously, stepping outside to make sure that he wasn't physically injured. "The Queen, something is wrong with her and I can't figure it out! She won't let me try and help, ever since Rumple took my heart and when she tried to take Evelyn- she just hasn't been the same. I've tried everything! But you're the only person who can help her at this point, she kicked me out this morning and I can't find her now. Regina I'm worried and I can't help her anymore, she won't let me and I'm scared that she's going to hurt herself for real this time." He cried anxiously, I watched him carefully and bit my lip.

"You really love her, don't you?" I asked, he moved closer and took my hands, his own were calloused as I remembered, his blue eyes reminding me of the love that I had felt so fiercely that it ached, the love that caused me to curse millions into a life that they hated.

"With all of my heart." He whispered, squeezing my hands with the look in his eyes that he knew that I couldn't resist.

"Fine, what do you want me to do?" I asked wearily, looking around at the freezing city which was covered with a blanket of ominous clouds, causing his blue eyes to sparkle with fear and sorrow.

"She's in the forest." He whispered, I sighed and nodded, squeezing his hands and pulling him into a tight embrace. "Okay, I'll make a few calls and find her." I vowed, carefully wiping his cheek before pulling away, sending him off.

I returned to the living room and found my husband and daughter awake on the sofa, sitting in silence as they tried to brush off their sleepiness.

"Morning you two." I whispered, kissing the top of my daughter's head before moving into the kitchen where my phone was to send my stepdaughter and her husband a text about my plan with the Queen.

"Mom?" Alena questioned from the entrance, her eyes swollen from last night's tragic events, making my own heart break.

"Baby, why were you with them last night? Did they call you?" I asked setting my phone down, but she shook her head and looked down at the tile, swallowing the lump in her throat. "No. I was over at their house because I was upset with Aunt Zelena, you told me that story about her and Robin and I got mad, so I went to check on Violet after I dropped the little kids off, well it started to rain so I told Aunt Zelena that I would wait the storm out, so I fell asleep on the couch and then she started to scream, just wailing bloody murder, so we took her to the hospital, and they told me what was going on, then I went inside and waited until they told her. Henry came after that and I had to tell him, I had to tell him everything actually. Both of us stayed with her because she had to deliver the baby." She recalled quietly, her voice trembling as she got to the difficult part, sniffling as she recalled the painful details.

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