The Truth

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I barreled into the hospital lobby and raced up the stairs, too impatient to wait for the slow rise and fall of the elevator.

I rushed passed terrified loved ones, for once not feeling an ounce of empathy for their issues.

"REGINA!" I screamed, not sure of my emotions at the moment, all I knew was that I needed answers.

"Snow! What the hell?! I just got Robin back to sleep!" Regina yelled at me, exasperation covering her face.

"I need to talk to you." I demanded, my face still splotchy from my horrified tears. "What the hell is going on? Are you alright?" Regina asked genuinely, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"We just need to talk." I whispered, my voice cracking as I dragged her into the bathroom, locking the door once I checked that it was empty.

"Snow what the hell?" She asked, but I just gripped the sink and stared at myself in the mirror, my stomach twisting with disgust as the images I saw replayed in my head.

"You're scaring me, now tell me what the hell is going on." Regina demanded, turning me so I was face to face with her, unaware about how I'd approach this.

"My father..." I started, my sobs catching in my throat as I tried to continue, her eyes widening at the mention of my father, but I automatically saw her attempt to hide it.

"I saw what he did." I cried, her eyes growing in horror as she quickly began to think back if she had let something slip in conversation, but I only shook my head at her.

"How...?" She started, her eyes welling up with tears, I felt my chest begin to shake as I tried to contain my hatred for my father. He was no longer the just and noble ruler that I had made him out to be, he was a monster who hurt the people I love.

"I just did! I saw and what he did to you! How he- I can't even look at you without wanting to strangle him!" I sobbed, my knees shaking as I crumpled into a ball, both of my parents were frauds, my mother was nothing but a spoiled and arrogant woman, who inadvertently caused Cora and Regina so much damage, and my father- he didn't even deserve the title of a man, let alone a king.

My head began to spin as I replayed the horrific screams of Regina being abused maliciously, flashes of her face crouching in front of me making me jump and sob harder.

"Snow, Snow!" I heard my stepmother call off in the distance, but I ignored her and hugged my knees closer, trying my best to isolate myself from her as much as possible in the sterile bathroom.

"This is why I never told you!" She cried, gripping my chin firmly as my eyes cleared. I slowly whimpered and looked up at my stepmother, tears brimming her eyes also.

She slowly slid beside me and wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.

"You looked up to your father, both of your parents actually, and what he did to me, well that was something different than what he showed you, because he was a good father, but not a very good husband." Regina explained, only sickening me farther.

"I can't believe I was so stupid! We lived in the same household for ten years and I had no idea that he hurt you like that! I should have known and helped you! I never should have told your fucking secret!" I cried, more furious tears spilling from my face.

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