Two Become One

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I gently rubbed our daughter's back as Zelena continued to suction her mouth and nose, tears covering everyone's faces as she cried on my wife's chest.

"You're amazing Regina, I love you so much." I cried, rubbing her forehead as she looked up at me and smiled, pulling me close for a kiss, her wet eyelashes brushing against my cheeks as she pulled away and craned her neck to get a better glimpse at our daughter. "Thank you for coming out of me." Regina whispered with a smile to our whimpering baby who had quieted down on her chest, contently looking up at her mother.

I thought my heart only had room for my wife and children, but gazing down at this beautiful baby girl in my wife's arms caused my heart to expand with a large spot for her. "She's looking at her mommy." Zelena said with a smile as she took a measuring tape and noted the length of our daughter, writing it down before placing a stethoscope on her little chest.

"How is she?" Regina asked tiredly, letting the baby curl her hand around her pointer finger. "Lungs sound healthy, a solid nineteen inches long, she looks good! Looks like you two got your Christmas present early." She said with a smile, Snow grinned and carefully slid out from behind Regina and replaced her body with a large mountain of pillows.

"I'm going to weigh her right here and then wrap her up so she stays warm." Zelena said carefully lifting the baby from her sister, allowing her to slide her camisole back up while she worked.

"How are you?" I asked my wife who looked utterly exhausted, she just smiled and leaned back to stare at our child. "I'm exhausted and sore, plus I just delivered something called a placenta and I nearly vomited. But now I'm okay, thank you for helping me today and being such a great husband." She whispered tiredly, attempting to slide a pair of shorts on but wincing painfully.

"Yeah that's not going to feel good, I suggest ice packs and backless gowns, nobody is going to care at this point, the whole freaking world just watched your lady bits push a baby out." Her sister said bluntly, making Regina blush and look away.

"Zelena." I scolded sharply, but my wife just shook her head and slipped her hand into mine. "She's right, and I'm going to need help putting these on." She whispered, holding a large sanitary napkin up with a blush along with a large pair of underpants that were clearly larger than her size. I discreetly nodded and assembled the contraption for her, sliding them up her ankles along with a pair of oversized shorts.

"Ready to see mama?" Zelena cooed as she finished swaddling our daughter, making Regina nod frantically and reach her arms out as her sister placed the baby in them, the whole crowd surrounding her.

"What are you going to call her?" Alena asked nervously, getting a smile out of her mother before she looked up at me. "I don't know." She admitted, catching me off guard.

"That's not true! You had her name for months! It's beautiful!" I said moving closer to look at my daughter, grinning widely back at the complacent baby.

"I thought you didn't like it?" She said sheepishly, placing her finger in the baby's mouth to keep her calm.

"What are you talking about?! I love the name!" I cried, making her smile and look down at the precious infant in her arms. "Okay, her name is-"

"How beautiful!" A familiar voice interrupted, causing Regina's face to turn white with fear and hold the baby closer to her chest.

"Get away from her!" She screamed, holding her arm out to create some distance while Alena formed a fireball in her palm, poised to fight. "Well that just isn't fair! She was supposed to be my baby and you selfishly took her for yourself! Just like everything! I mean look, you already have this daughter here, and I mean how good at this whole mothering thing can you possibly be?! You've driven away nearly all of your children, why would this baby be any different? So I'm just going to take this little rugrat from you and be on my way. So cute that you thought giving birth in this bunker would keep me out, your little apprentice here was stupid enough to use blood magic to seal you all in here, now if that's not ironic then I have no idea what is!" She shrilled, infuriating an exhausted Regina who had our baby cradled in her arms protectively.

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