Merry Christmas

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Regina and the baby were finally sleeping and I hovered over the clear incubator where she was sleeping, her pink blanket swaddled tightly around her small hands and feet, each holding the correct amount of fingers and toes that both of us counted numerous times, finding something equally amazing about her each round.

"Hi baby, it's daddy, you're so beautiful and your mommy and I love you so much. I can't believe you're finally here, we've waited so long to meet you and you look just like your mommy." I whispered, rubbing my finger on her soft cheek, wincing when she began to squirm and fuss.

"Hey, hey! Shh baby, it's okay, daddy has you, don't cry, please so you don't wake up mommy." I whispered, slipping my hands under her and scooping her squirming body into my arms, gently swaying to soothe her.

I frantically searched for her pacifier but my wife groaned and woke up, still looking completely exhausted.

"What's wrong? I think she needs to be fed." She groaned, struggling to sit up on her own, wincing as she sat upright, relaxing on a pillow that I placed behind her back, helping her latch on to the baby, tensing from discomfort. "Does it hurt?" I asked nervously, but she just bit her lip and struggled, pressing the nurses button.

"Just a bit." She moaned, nodding at the nurse who came in and quietly helped my wife, stepping away once our baby was contently feeding.

"Mm." She moaned, leaning back and closing her eyes tiredly, exhausted from her eventful day, and I gave her credit, I could never unsee what she had gone through, the way her body instantly relaxed when I pulled the baby from her, how capable she was, the agony she endured just so we could have our child.

"I love you." I reminded, kissing her temple as she opened her eyes and smiled tiredly, pulling the baby away from her body. "Hand me her burp cloth please." She asked, I nodded and handed her the fabric and watched her carefully clean herself up and wipe out baby's mouth, carefully burping her.

"You're a natural." I complimented, she just smiled wearily and handed the baby over to me in order to finish buttoning her gown. "Thank you hon." She whispered, leaning back on the bed and closing her eyes.

I yawned and checked the clock, realizing how early it was and how exhausted everyone was actually, setting our newborn back in the incubator and curling into the folding chair, bringing an end to this perfect day.


I slowly opened my eyes and looked at our sleeping daughter along with my weary wife who was holding her tenderly.

"Say good morning to daddy." She whispered, smiling tiredly as I laughed and scooted towards the bed.

"Merry Christmas hon." She whispered, I reiterated the well wish and rubbed our daughter's hand, kissing her face.

There was a soft knock at the door and then the sound of the door opening behind the privacy curtain, followed by familiar voices.

"Merry Christmas mama!" My son cried rushing into the room with a wrapped box in his hand, followed by Emma, Zelena, Henry, and Alena, the Charmings following close behind.

"Merry Christmas baby, I'm sorry you had to stay over with Auntie Emma on your first Christmas." Regina apologized, reaching down and kissing Roland's head.

"Merry Christmas mom." Both Alena and Henry smiled, hugging their mother and excitedly waiting for the permission to see their sister.

"Congratulations Robin, fantastic job G." Emma said smiling up at her fiancé and us, we nodded politely and waited for Regina's queue to introduce our daughter to everyone.

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