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"Thanks for letting me in, I heard that you were having a rough night?" My sister asked gently, sounding almost sincere, concerning me just a bit after our outburst over Robin.

"I uh, yeah. I did." I finally admitted, pushing my tears to the back of my throat as I relived Emma's accusations, Henry's shock and disbelief, Snow's wails of grief over her husband. However, I wouldn't cry in front of my sister again, she already saw that train wreck, she wasn't going to get it for a second time over this stupid ordeal.

"My family thinks that I killed David and lit their loft on fire. I guess Emma "saw" me start the fire earlier, then change into something else to save Snow." I scoffed, the whole ordeal seeming so ridiculously false as I looked down at my soot-covered night shirt.

"Well I believe you." Zelena stated with a small smile, sticking her pinky into the sleeping baby's mouth.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief, but she nodded lightly and sat back in her chair. "Well of course, you believed me when no one else did, you convinced Robin-." She started, but I held my finger up to her to prevent her from finishing that phrase.

"I understand. Thank you." I said trying to calm myself, my feelings still remaining towards my sister and her relationship with my departed soulmate.

"I was thinking about what you said a couple days ago, about how you, well, blamed me, for Robin, and I don't want us bickering over this anymore. You were right." She said swallowing, making me bite my lip uneasily as she continued.

"I betrayed your trust when you gave it to me. I chose myself over my family and it costed you dearly. So I'm sorry, I know it won't fix anything, but I hope it will help." She said tearing up, I exhaled shakily and crossed my arms in defense.

"I appreciate that, and yes, I'd like to work on our relationship also." I said gently, making her bite her lip and nod at me, both of us still keeping a safe distance.

A moment of awkward silence passed, which automatically broke with the loud knocking on my door, waking the infant in my sister's arms.

"Regina? It's Snow!" I heard my stepdaughter weep from outside, catching my attention automatically.

"Wow." My sister scoffed, shaking her head in disappointment.

"What?" I snapped, already making my way to the door, but she scoffed and tried to soothe her baby, the crying giving me a headache.

"We haven't even been civil to each other for five minutes before you have little miss Snow White on her way to comfort you!" Zelena accused, infuriating me.

"She's grieving! She needs my help!" I screamed back, the infant's wails growing in intensity.

"She blames you for his death!" My sister scorned, making my chest swell with anger, my headache now peaking with the baby's wails.

"No she doesn't! Now please take your baby and quiet her!" I yelled, trying to maintain the shred of dignity that I had left.

"Whatever." My sister muttered, sticking her pinky in the baby's mouth to quiet her.

"Snow?" I said quietly, looking down at my feet, I heard her shudder and swallow, her cheeks red from crying.

"I know you didn't start the fire." She whispered, biting her lip while uncomfortable silence filled the night air.

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