Chapter 9

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"And this will be your room." Angelica finishes up the tour of the Schuyler's amazing and huge home. The room is a beautiful cream color with a bed in the middle of it against the wall. There is a closet filled with gorgeous dresses and shoes. Even a book case along one of the walls with a window looking out into the back yard. 

"Wow." I breathe out,"Thank you so much." 

"It's not a problem. I'll leave you to get settled in. Dinner should be ready in a little while." Angelica smiles at me and closes the door leaving me to the room that is now mine. I let out a huge sigh of tiredness as I plop down on the bed. Although I now get to live in the safety of this wonderful home I still want more. I want to help people. I want to fight. 

Why should I stay here when I am perfectly able to fight for my freedom. I guess I shouldn't complain but now I have to worry about Laf out there in the field. If I was with him I would always know if he was okay or not. I close my eyes for a moment and picture his face. 

I sit up from the bed opening my eyes just thinking of what he would do if he was here. As I think about it I truly don't know what he'd do. Is all of this just a silly mistake? We've only known each other for a short amount of time. If there was only more time maybe I would feel different than this. 

I hope this war is won as soon as possible. I've lived almost all my life so far with out Lafayette so why is it so different now? I just want to see him again already. He's like a drug. I just can't stop thinking about him. Then I hear a knock on my door. 

"Hi." I see Eliza poke her head in.

"Hey." I say to her as she walks over to me smiling.

"Are you liking everything here so far?" she politely asks.

"Yes thank you for everything." I look at her now that she's sitting next to me.

"Anything for a friend of Alexander. I noticed that you and Marquis talked an awful lot before he left." Eliza slightly smiles towards me. 

"I guess. He's a very kind person." I smile at her mentioning his name.

"Especially to you." she laughs,"If you need anything or any help with getting through being a part I'm sure I can try to help you."

"The same to you." I smile.

"Let's go get some dinner." she says reaching out her hand after standing up from the bed. 

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