Chapter 15

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"Y/N." someone whispers.

"Y/N."they repeat but this time it's louder. I turn my back to the wanting more sleep.

"Wake up!" I jump up as Hercules yells that across the room.

"Hey! I was trying to wake her up nicely." John says who was sitting on the edge of my bed. He must've been the one whispering my name.

"It's fine." I say in my morning voice,"What's going to happen today?"

"That my good friend is a mystery." John says standing up so I could get out of bed.

"Once you're all ready we have to go to the general for orders." Hercules adds. I get my bad from the floor where I kicked it last night. After I opened it up I grabbed my uniform that I had received then went to the bathroom to change. I rinsed my face off afterwards then tried to mentally prepare myself for today. Who knows what will happen.

"I'm ready." I say as I walk in our living space,"Where's Marie?"

"She left earlier." John said,"Oh and Lafayette wants to talk to you after we talk with general Washington."

"Okay." I feel my face drain its color after John mentioned Lafayette.

"What's wrong?" he asks me probably noticing my reaction to what he said.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I tell both him and Herc. They both shrug it off as we leave to meet with the general. Something I've been dreading to do since our last encounter. We walk to a larger tent where we see Washington with other men. The only one I recognized was Alexander who was frantically writing something down on a piece of paper whilst trying to convince the others of his plan. He talks so fast when he's talking sometimes. I always wonder how people understand him. After standing there for about five minutes Washington noticed us.

"You stay here we'll deal with it then tell you." Herc says. Usually I would argue with that and go with them but today of all days I had low energy. The general leads them to a corner of the room telling them their commands and hopefully mine. I notice John telling him something as Washington looks over at me then nods before leaving Herc and John. The two walk back over to me passing me a note.

"That's where you need to be okay?" John says handing me it.

"Okay." I reply,"Where am I supposed to meet Lafayette?"

"He'll be there. We'll see you soon." John says before following Hercules out. I stand there for a moment before walking out of the tent then reading the note. I follow to where it leads without any trouble. At the destination I see plenty of soldiers standing. Then I see Lafayette. Almost imediately he sees me and walks over to me.

"Come with me." he says in that accent of his. I follow him a little ways away from the group into the forest,"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." I reply.

"You don't need to be beautiful. Y/N you haven't done anything wrong." Laf says.

"Then why were you so mad? Everyone could see that something was bothering you. Just tell me please." I say as he held onto my had.

"It's just this war. Everything had been so stressful then I got the weekend to see you and I was happy until Peggy barged in on the wedding. I'm sorry Y/N." He repeated. There were tears in his eyes,"I don't want to lose you. Certainly not to something like this."

"I don't want to lose you either but-"I begin to say then I hear a gun being cocked behind us.

"Don't move." a thick British accent says from behind me but the only thing I could focus on was the fear in Lafayette's eyes and his tighter grip to my hands.

"Get em'" another red coat says. My eyes widen as I try to think of how to get out of this mess. My knees grew weaker by the millisecond as a red coat walked towards us.

"It's going to be o-" Lafayette gets cut off by an unknown object going to his head. I let out a loud scream while collapsing to the ground while a red coat kneels down to my level putting a hand over my mouth.

"Shut up." the guy sneers.

"Is he breathing?" another red asks and tears flood down my face as Laf lays on the ground not getting up possibly dead.

"He better not be. He could be valuable." someone adds. There are so many that even if I could run I wouldn't get away.

"Sounded like he's french. Is he french?" one of them asks me. My body is shaking while the red coats hand is still over my mouth. He lifts his hand to let me answer but I have no energy to do so. I just stare at the body on the ground.

"Now she doesn't talk?" someone said.

"We'll get it out of her at some point." the guy holding me in place says before everything goes black.


I'm so full of surprises aren't I?

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