Chapter 27

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"Are you seriously cutting an apple the right way?" I ask laughing at him.

"Only for you Y/N." he grinned.

"I got the money. Let's go into town Laf." I smiled at him and he returned a smile and grabbed my hand as we were going to walk out of the house.

"Where are you two going?" I turned around to see Peggy standing there.

"Just into town. We're not sure what we're going to do yet. Maybe we could meet up with you and Zach can meet up with us later here for dinner." I said. During Lafayette's stay here in the Schuyler's mansion Peggy had met a guy named Zach. She had confirmed they were together and he even talked to me and Lafayette. He seemed like a nice guy and Peggy wasn't around often anymore. It made me worry less about her liking Lafayette. She had seemed jealous when Angelica and I went shopping with her for my wedding dress. Maybe she's finally found someone to spend the rest of her life with but who knows.

"Oh yeah. That'd be fun." she said then walked to wherever she was headed to. I looked back up at Laf and smiled. We left the house and rode into town in silence. After we both got out we were just walking down one of the roads when I broke the silence.

"Are you okay that I asked her that? I know I should've asked you." I said and he turned to me.

"I'm fine with it Y/N. It's okay. Like she said it'll be fun." Lafayette smiled then placed a kiss on my lips.

"I love you." I smiled up at him.

"I love you more." he replied as I pulled him down the street heading to a park then stopped after he said that.

"That's not even possible." I said making him laugh as we walked into the park.

"Whatever you say." he smiled.


"Alright Peggy said that Zach should be here soon." I told Lafayette who was reading a letter from the General on the bed.

"Okay." he said not looking up from it.

"That means that we should get to the dining room." I said trying to get his attention.

"Great." Laf said again not looking up at me. Since he wasn't paying any attention to me I decided to sneak up behind him. Him still not noticing.

"BOO!" I yelled in his ear and he jumped in the air.

"What was that for?" he asked recovering from him being scared.

"We need to go to the dining room. I told you that before but at least now I have your attention." I said,"Also I got you good."

"No you did not." he pouted.

"What did Washington say in that letter anyways?" I asked Laf.

A look I couldn't quite read showed on his face making me a bit worried,"He uh- said that he needed my help. Also that I'll be going back tomorrow." The last thing he said broke our hearts in two.

"Tomorrow? I don't understand has he mentioned you coming back before?" I asked him shocked at the news and heart broken.

"I promise you he hasn't ever mentioned it before. Washington said that by now I should be healthy enough to fight. I don't want to leave you Y/N but I'll help win this war and we'll be together forever." he said.

"Come on let's get to the dining room." I smiled a bit and he did back. We both walked to the room to see Peggy and Zach talking.

"Good evening." I said to Zach.

"Hello. It's good to see you two again." He replied politely and we all take our seats.

Dinner was quiet while we were eating, that is until Lafayette and Peggy both speak at the same time.

"Excuse me for a moment." They both say in sync.

"Okay. Dessert should be here soon though." I tell them. Right as both of them reach the doorway Lafayette turns back around and I look at him confused as he walks up to me,"Did you for-" I begin to ask but am cut off by him kissing me sweetly. After he pulls away he just smiles at me before leaving. I look back at the doorway and see that Peggy is already gone.

Laf and Peggy had been gone for a few minutes doing what I don't know. The room had fell silent in the most awkward way possible. Both Zach and I were done eating our main course waiting for dessert to come.

"How are you?" Zach said after he cleared his throat.

"Oh I'm good. You and Peggy seem to be really happy together. I'm happy for you both." I smiled towards him.

"You think so? I don't think she really does."

"Why would you think that?" I asked him curious.

"Well it always seems like she's thinking about something else. Maybe even someone else. I don't know. It's stupid." Zach said.

"It'll be okay. I'm going to go see if I can find those two before dessert gets out here." I told him and he nodded.

I walked out of the room down towards me and Laf's room.

"Come on." I heard Peggy say.

'What is she talking about?' I thought to myself,'Why is she in my room?'

"No I-"I then heard Lafayette say and I stood in the doorway to find him with her. Not just standing there. Kissing. And he kissed back.

Instantly I felt like the world had just turned upside down. I just stood there and watched. Waiting for them to realize I was there. A minute felt like a lifetime and they finally noticed me.

"Y/N! It's not what it looks like." Lafayette calls towards me as I walk down the hall. I had no idea where I was heading but I just ignored him and walked out of the Schuyler home.

"Y/N listen to me!" He yelled still following me then saying something in French I couldn't quite catch. He kept trying to get me to say something so I finally did,"Come on." He said just like Peggy.

"Leave me alone." I said and to my surprise he did. He went back inside leaving me there. Heartbroken and mad.

At least he was leaving tomorrow.


Hairspray Live anybody??

loved it!!!
And I love you guys!!!

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