Chapter 19

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Lafayette and I are practically dragged to the middle of their little camp site. The fire roared behind us as I wondered what they would do to us for running.

"Are you scared?"Jefferey leans down to where I am on the ground,"You should be." Lafayette sits up taller looking as if he would bash Jefferey's head into the ground,"Especially because of some information I've collected. Let's see now."

Jefferey stands back up grabbing a piece of paper then clearing his throat to read what it said,"Y/F/N. Is that right?" he asked.

"Yes." I replied not wanting what happened the last time I didn't speak to happen again.

"Huh, cause I sent a message to sir General Washington himself and I got a letter back from a mister Alexander Hamilton saying they don't have anyone enlisted with that name where they are. Funny isn't it?" Jefferey laughs like a mad man in front of me as tears start to come to my eyes. All he does is stare at me before moving towards Lafayette.

"Now you. Oh you. You're french and my men well we have a way of finding out everything. How you people thought we wouldn't figure this out is just stupid. But this is incredible. You are Marquis Lafayette and you have a shit load of money and a huge part in the war. Or at least you were supposed to." he laughs again tears now going down my face,"Now I know that's a lot to take in. I don't want to kill you. I mean certainly not now but you did almost get away and that cannot happen again."

"Please don't hurt her." Lafayette says quietly with tears streaming down his own face.

Jefferey stops and smiles at him for a moment then looks at me,"That reminds me. There is one more thing we know." He lets out another chuckle before leaning down to Lafayette, "You two are supposed to be married." My body instantly starts shaking with fear as the many possibilities of how they could hold that against us floods my senses. Laf and I look at each other then back at Jefferey sitting up on our knees.

"I'm assuming that means you two will never leave each other and hopefully not now." In a millisecond I hear a whack come from behind me. Then all I feel is pain run up from my ankle as I scream in pain.

"Y/N!!" Lafayette tries to come over to me then being pulled back by the other red coats. My vision was now blurry and pain overwhelmed my body.

"Are you sure it's broken?" Jefferey walks over to me talking to the person behind me who did it. Jefferey stands in a different spot getting a better look at my now injured ankle,"Hit it one more time."

"No." I croak out from my dry throat only to be hit once again. I was certain it was broken the first time and now it's even worse. The pain this time goes to my hearing and everything is a blur. I know I am being dragged back to the tree I was before but where is Lafayette? My head starts to get dizzy as I hear something coming from the trees. It was darker out now making it harder to see along with my blurred vision. That is until someone is standing in front of me wearing a blue coat instead of a red one.



Sorry this chapter is so short but obviously it was an important one.

The winners for the new 2 fanfics are Thomas Jefferson and John Laurens!!!

Jefferson's is longer the John's.

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