Chapter 14

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"We're here!" John exclaims excitedly. No he isn't happy to be going back early but he is happy to get away from Lafayette. The tension was in the air and he was the angriest about leaving early. I let all of the guys get off leaving Laf and me alone. Right as he was about to jump out to leave I grabbed his arm. 

"What?!" he shouts turning around. His face softens when he remembers who he's talking to. 

"What is the matter with you?!" I say to him not wanting to say another word to him getting out then grabbing my bag walking away as fast as I could. I almost think he's ignoring me then he grabs my arm making me turn around. 

"I'm sorry." he says trying to not be so irritated but failing still.

"I just want to know what is your problem." I say looking him in his deep brown eyes.

"It's complicated." Lafayette sighs.

"You can't even tell your fiance what's bothering you. Great." quietly I say making him not hold my hand anymore. I start walking again until he calls towards me.

"Well you're not in the greatest mood too!!" he yells and it doesn't take me long to whip around to see his face full of regret. I walk back up to him and he just waits to hear what I have to say.

"In case you haven't noticed everyone's mood changed when you had to go and get pissed because of "complicated" reasons. You don't get to blame your actions on me. If that's how you're going to treat me in this relationship forget it." I said then just stared at him for a moment before turning around,"Now if you'll excuse me I have a war to fight." 

With that I walked to the living quarters assigned to me. To no surprise Hercules and John were my bunk mates as I could tell by their bags. So was another girl. I basically threw my bag on the last empty bunk. 

"Tough day?" a girl says whipping her head down from the bunk above mine scaring me half to death,"I'm sorry! Are you okay?" The girl gets down from the top bunk sitting next to me.

"I'm fine. You just scared me." I say calming down. 

"My name's Marie Witzel." the girl I now know as Marie holds her hand out.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N." I shake her hand as she smiles,"Nice to meet you."

"Looks like we'll be staying here together with those two other guys." Marie says.

"Hercules and John." 

"What?" Marie turns around as she was taking her hair out of a high ponytail.

"Their names. I know them." I say smiling at the face she made.

"That's cool." she smiles,"Why were you all in a fit when you came in? You don't have to answer if that's to personal. I was just wondering."

"Oh it was just my fiance." I sigh,"I guess you could call it our first fight." 

"Your first fight?" she asks and I nod,"Honey how long have you been together?"

"About 7 months or so." I reply.

"And you're engaged?! And this is your guys' first fight?! I don't know you really at all. I also don't know this guy at all. It is a guy right?" Marie pauses waiting for my response as I laugh nodding,"Hey I know people. I'm not against anything." She puts her arm as if she's surrendering making me laugh even harder which I haven't done for far to long. Right as she was about to continue talking John and Herc walk in and she stops before making a sound. She looks at both of them more so at John. I stand up and walk over to her as she finally snaps out of her stare. 

"That's John." I giggle a little in her ear and she turns to me giving me a look of how'd you know I was looking. I playfully rolled my eyes at her going back to my bunk located under hers. 

"Y/N who is your friend?" Hercules asks.

"This is Marie. We actually just met before you guys came in." I say. I notice John looks at her a bit longer than Hercules. I hold in a little laugh at John and Marie then remember that's how Laf and I were. 

"What?" John asks looking at me smiling slightly. 

"Nothing." I say laying down pushing my bag to my feet. I close my eyes as the lights go out and sleep awaits. And sadly for the first time in 7 months I didn't dream of Laf's face or fall asleep thinking about him. It was just silent and peaceful. But I still wanted the feeling he brought back.


Heck Yeah!! New Character!!! Wasn't even planning on it just came up when I was writing!

Fun fact my middle name is Marie and her last name is a moderation of my birth mom's last name. 

(In case you didn't know I'm adopted.)

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