Chapter 17

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"Come on." Harry says to me as he grabs my hand leading me up the wooden stairs. I am taken back by the sunlight as he opens the door. 

"In here!"Jefferey yelled from the next room. After I was out of the basement there was a kitchen. It was small but well furnished. Harry is still holding onto me as he leads us to the room Jefferey was in. From where we are I can see the five red coats from earlier watching someone. Right as we turn the corner I get ripped from my thoughts as Lafayette is laying on the ground looking worse than ever. Without thinking I pull away from Harry's grip rushing to Laf's side.

"Hey." I say picking his face off the ground so he could look at me. Immediately his eyes get a small spark in them as he realizes who I am,"It's me Y/Fake/N." He looks confused for a second then gets what I am trying to do. We just stare at each other for a moment. That moment being broken by a gun shot to the wall behind us. I jump up and put my hands in the air not wanting that fire to be any closer to me or Lafayette. I look Jefferey in the eyes since he was the only one holding a gun. 

"Harry!" he yelled to Harry whom was not in the doorway like he just was a second ago. Harry comes rushing in as if he's some sort of a servant.

"Yes?" he asks politely. How can someone who helped kidnap people be so polite?

"Get her restrained! We don't need her getting away." Jefferey commands. 

"Jefferey she won't do anything." Harry tries to argue.

"That's what she wants you to think." Jefferey says standing from his seated position to walk over to me. My hands were now down and he towered over me. He was still holding his gun which had stopped smoking from the gun fire a few minutes ago. Out of the corner I could see Laf paying attention to Jefferey's every move. If looks could kill Lafayette would've killed Jefferey 10 times over,"Isn't that right princess?"Jefferey laughs like he's some sort of a maniac. All the other red coats laugh along with him except for Harry. 

"Wouldn't you love to go home darling? See your family... friends... That is if they're still around. You know I like you you're so smart. You haven't pulled any shit since you've woken up. I mean the last people. Well the last living people at the moment were so stupid. So stupid they got their own selves killed. You want to know how?" he asks. This man must be seriously out of his mind. Maybe even worse than King George himself. I just stand there looking at his face which is about the ugliest thing I've ever seen. Seems like it matches his personality too,"Oh." he finally says after my silence.

"So you don't want to know how not to die?" Jefferey laughs once again,"What if I killed you right now all because you didn't respond to me. You see now what if that was how the last two we captured died? I guess you are stupid." He turns back around to walk back to his seat. I close my eyes and sigh in relief until I feel a sharp pain go through my back as it hits the wall. Quickly I open my eyes to see Jefferey as the one holding my against it. 

"Stop!" I hear Lafayette choke out before two of the others that were sitting there get up and hold him down. Then I look past Jefferey and see a distraught and mad Harry clenching his fists. He really does hate violence I guess. 

"You listen to me you understand?" he says pushing me harder into the wall making it harder to breathe,"Not only that but you reply to me when I ask you questions or talk to you. That is the second damn time I have asked you a question and you haven't said anything. Harry take her back down stairs!" Jefferey practically throws me to Harry making me stumble a bit. 

"No!" Laf says once more,"Wait!" 

"Oh shut up pretty boy!" I hear someone yell at Lafayette then a slap making tears come to my eyes. Harry quickly notices as we open the basement door. 

"Hey it's going to be alright." he tries to comfort me as we walk down the stairs.

"Can't you just kill me now?" I ask in my normal voice for a change.

"Don't say that." I heard him say and I almost could swear that he added love on the end. 

"You're going to kill him aren't you?" 

Harry turns around bringing me another cup of water,"Now let's not jump to conclusions. Get some rest." He grabs the chain hooked onto the wall putting it on my leg as if I'm some sort of animal. After doing that he walks over to the last burning candle before blowing it out whispers a quiet 'sorry' He then walks up the stairs to leave me alone in the darkness. Even worse to leave me alone with my own thoughts. More thuds come from upstairs each one making me flinch. Soon the noises stopped and everything was quiet. I'm not sure how long it was before I fell asleep but I wish I hadn't woken up. 


3 updates in 24 hours that's like a whole new record for me!

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