They Were Wrong

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A one shot where Louis makes a speech and it changes his life forever.


We were at the last concert before break started. It was so emotional being here and knowing I wouldn't be doing this for a whole year was nerve wracking. I wasn't taking a break like the other boys. Liam would be doing some small stuff for Modest, Harry would be completely free of restraints (I heard him talking about movie, but I wasn't sure), and Niall was getting lost somewhere, but me? I was going to be stunting for the most part. The rumors about my baby were already flooding everywhere, Briana (one of the 'lucky' ladies I would be spending my 'break' with) has already blown everything out of proportion.

"Let's have one last group hug, yea?" Niall suggests. Liam nod, and we all go and hug each other. I wrap my one of my arms around Harry, enjoying the slight public contact. We hadn't touched each other publicly in so long.

When we pull apart Harry goes off to hug Niall and Liam comes towards me. "Enjoy your break, man." I whisper loud enough for him to hear, but not the fans, "I will, thanks Louis." Liam says back.

I move to Niall. He wraps me in his arms and doesn't say anything. I'm glad. Niall was the underdog. He always made sure Harry and I stayed positive no matter what kind of shit was going on around us. For that I thanked him. I knew for sure we wouldn't have lasted that long if it weren't for him and the fans.

When I pull out of Niall's arms I'm met with Harry. I knew Modest was going to get mad if we did anything, but it would be strange if I hugged everyone but Harry. I shrug and Harry moves towards me. He gathers me in my arms and I hear the crowd scream louder than the first time we came on stage tonight. It was the loudest I had ever heard one of the crowds.

"Tonight." Harry whispers before pulling away from me. Tonight?

Harry and I had always agreed that at some point we would come out. Neither of us knew the technicals behind it, but we knew it was going to happen. We agreed that if we were both comfortable with it we would do it on stage one day, that was the dream anyway.

Harry wanted to come out. He gives me a side eye as he goes to the other side of the stage. He wanted me to do it. I know I agreed to be the one that announced it if we were to come out on stage because I was the one that was always in the drama and I was the one with the girlfriend and baby. It would make things more real if I said it.

"I have one last thing to say before we wrap this thing up. It's going to be a pretty long one, so get comfy." I start. Liam and Niall look at me, confused, but I shake it off. Harry smiles, moving so we he was closer to me.

"When we go on break, I want everyone to remember that this isn't permanent. We will be back, and I promise we will come back better than ever. That's not what I wanted to say though.

"I want to remind everyone out there to be honest with themselves. Fame is a dangerous thing, because it takes away a part of you. We always have to be on our toes and ready because we never know when someone or something is going to come up. All of us have put our personal lives on hold to live out our dream.

"There are rumors being spread constantly about us and we have to...pretend to be people that we aren't for the sake of the cameras. We can't say certain things because we are in the spotlight, but with the break coming I want to be honest with everyone.

"You guys were right. By you guys, I mean the people that believe in love. I'm not in love with Briana and her kid isn't mine. Eleanor was a very close friend, but we weren't dating. Harry never dated Kendall, or Taylor, or Caroline, or any of the other girls he was ever seen with. We've never dated them because in 2010 I went up to Harry and told him that I had feelings for him, and he said he felt the same way." I huff. I take a moment to look over the crowd, waiting to see any emotions, but I see none. Everyone was silent, but I guess silence was better than protests.

"Louis about that. I I have to say, too. As much as I love being your boyfriend, I um...have a different idea." Harry says. I turn to look at him, wondering what the hell he was doing. We agreed on coming out and this...this didn't look like coming out.

"Yea?" I ask, Harry kneels down and pulls something out. Oh shit. Oh fuck. This was...this couldn't be.

"Louis, I've wanted to ask you this for a long time, but I could never seem to figure out when I wanted to do it. I decided that I wanted to ask now, in front of a ton of people that, hopefully, support us and have supported us for 6 long years." Harry starts. I feel my eyes starting to water as I realize what was happening. He was actually doing this.

"Louis will you marry me? Please don't say yes because it rhymes." Harry chuckles. I nod, wanting nothing more than to be his husband. The crowd starts cheering as Harry stands and pulls me into a hug for the second time today. He kisses me and the crowd cheers louder.

Maybe Modest was wrong, maybe the fans will actually support us after all. 

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