Music Lessons

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A one shot where Louis Tomlinson teaches piano at the same studio as his crush, Harry Styles.


"You're playing a D, it's E," Louis corrects. He leans over and presses the key for the young girl. She glares at him and presses the key for herself. 

"I know, I just made a mistake," She grumbles. Louis didn't mind Jade's snappy tone. When he was her age learning the piano he was just as snappy, maybe even snappier. 

"Okay, don't miss E next time and I won't bug you about it," Louis says. Jade rolls her eyes and goes back to practicing the song. Louis finds himself tuning out of the melody and instead being filled with the another sound. 

"You're going a little flat on La, make sure you hit that straight on. Can you redo that part for me?" The slow, dreamy voice of Harry Styles fills Louis as he teaches the singing lesson across the room. The place they worked was small and had only 2 practice rooms and an office. The lady that ran the place never actually taught the music and hired underpaid high schoolers to teach the classes for her. Louis didn't mind the shit pay, however, because piano was his passion and seeing Harry every other day wasn't so bad either. 

"I'm done," The girl says. Louis snaps back into focus. He looks down at Jade and smiles. He had no clue how she had done, but guessing by the smile on her face she didn't do half bad. Louis was thankful that he had Jade as his Friday 4:30 lesson. It was his only lesson of the day and was half as long as the others. She was also good enough to understand the piano by herself. Louis was just there to lead her in the right direction. 

"Sounded great! I'm afraid this lesson is coming to an end so go ahead and pack up early, there's not enough time to learn a new song," Louis sighs. Jade smiles even wider as she picks up her books and goes to greet her mother, Mrs. Thirlwall, who was nice enough. Louis always liked to talk to her and tell her how Jade was doing. 

"Jade's doing really well, her uh...," Louis stops as he sees the other door open. He watches as Harry walks out to greet the father of his student. Louis coughs and continues, "Her playing was really nice. She should work on dynamics a little more, but other than that she's doing really good!" Louis explains. Her mother nods approvingly and leads her daughter to their car outside. Louis waves once more before heading back into the room to pick up his things. 

"Louis, right?" Louis turns and sees Harry leaning against the frame of the door. Louis didn't know Harry really well, however they went to the same high school. They were also both in choir, the difference being Harry was in varsity and Louis in JV. 

"That would be me," Louis says. He shoulders his small bag and stands awkwardly in front of his crush. He had been crushing on Harry after he heard him sing at the winter concert. Harry had a solo and his voice sounded like heaven. Shortly after, Harry starting working at the same studio as Louis, making the small crush to develop into a bigger one. 

"Thought so. You're in choir right. I'm pretty sure I saw you at one of the concerts, but I can't be sure," Harry explains. Louis feels himself blushing. He looks down and nods quickly. Louis can feel Harry's eyes burning into him. 

"I'm not that good though," Louis murmurs. He slowly looks up and finds Harry rolling his eyes. 

"You're plenty good! Everyone in choir is an amazing singer, but if you think your so bad you can come over to mine and I can give you a lesson or two. Nothing big and you don't even have to pay," Harry jokes, alluding to his singing lessons. Louis blushes lightly and rubs his arm. 

"Sure. Guess it couldn't hurt huh? With try outs coming up and everything." Harry beams excitedly and exits the room for a second, reappearing a moment later. He scribbles something on a sticky note and hands it to Louis.

"You can come around mine tomorrow if you want. I have church choir in the morning, but anytime after lunch I'm free. Do you...uh want my number too?" Harry tucks a long strand of hair behind his ear as he goes to pull out his phone. Louis takes the sticky note and folds it. He pushes it into his pocket so he doesn't forget as he grabs his phone and hands it to Harry. Harry passes his phone to Louis. 

Louis opens the contacts and adds himself, smiling afterwards at the idea of his number being in Harry Styles' phone. Harry passes Louis' phone back to him and Louis smiles as he sees Harry's contact name. 

Harry 🌈🎤


It was the following day and Louis was only a little nervous when he found himself parking his car at Harry's house. The house was about the same size as his, but a different color. There were a couple gnomes in the front lawn. 

Louis walked to the front door and sucked in a breath before knocking. Not a moment after his hand hit the door did it open, revealing an older woman. Her hair was brown and she had the same soft green eyes as Harry. Louis recognized her as Harry's mother quickly. 

"You must be Louis! Harry has been dying for you to arrive. Harry! You're...friend is here!" His mother turns around to call her son. Harry hears the familiar sound of Harry's footsteps (don't judge him) as Harry approaches. 

Harry looked even more gorgeous than he did in school. Louis didn't know how he managed, but he someone did. He wore a pair of black skinny jeans with holes above the knees. A Rolling Stones t-shirt hung loosely off his body. 

"Thanks Mom, but I think I got it from here," Harry says. He rushes Louis to his room and then sighs deeply when the door is shut. "Sorry about her, she's a little excited. I don't invite people over a lot," Harry explains. Louis sets his small bag on the ground next to the door and watches as Harry takes a seat on his bed. 

"So the lesson?" 

"Oh, about that, I didn't actually want to give you a lesson. You're an amazing singer, so uh...obviously you don't need one. I just wanted an excuse to hang out with you," Harry stammers. Louis blushes awkwardly. Harry wanted an excuse to see him? That couldn't be possible. 

"Thanks. You could've just asked and I would've said yes. I've been wanting to hang out with you too, I just get really...nervous. You're like a choir God and I'm just me," Louis says. Harry's eyes widen. 

"Just you? You're amazing! I'm just me...I guess. I've actually been um...crushing on you. For quite a while actually," Harry mumbles. Louis' heart drops. Harry had a crush on him? No, he wouldn't believe it, he couldn't. 

"Really? I've had a crush on you for like the longest time! That'," Louis says. Harry's mouth drops. He steps closer to Louis and looks him in the eye. Louis wants to move under his glare, but can't. Finally, their close enough so Louis can see the small details in Harry's eyes. He feels like he going to faint as Harry reaches over and touches Louis' face hestitantly. 

"Do you wanna go out with me?" Harry's breath fans across Louis' face. Louis gulps and nods quickly. Harry smiles and leans in farther. Louis doesn't move as Harry kisses him. They kiss for only a few seconds before Harry pulls back. 

"We should have singing lessons more often, huh?" 


Hey guys. So I have one more one shot I want to publish later next week (?) and then I'm going to stop updating this. If you haven't already noticed I have this set as complete. I just want to finish the ideas I already have before I properly stop updating. I have a few new projects going on so feel free to check out one of them. As always, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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