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A one shot where Louis and Harry play soccer for rival teams. 


Louis was the captain of his high school soccer team. He played offense and was pretty good at it if he said so himself. He had made nearly every goal this season and was awfully proud of it. Most of his teammates didn't mind the boy's slightly cocky attitude, considering most shared the same trait. 

However, Louis hadn't made a goal this game. Not a single one. He typically makes one in the first 10 minutes or so, but the goalie for the opposing team was too good. Most goalies had nothing on Louis when it came to foot work and fast reflexes, but he could certainty keep up.

The most upsetting part was how attractive he was. Louis didn't have a problem shooting at other goalies because he could focus, but he couldn't this time. The guy was too damn hot for Louis to pay attention to anything but his attractive smile and shinning eyes. He looked so happy to play and it made Louis highly upset. 

"Tomlinson what is your problem!" The referees has called half time and Coach was now snapping at everyone one their game play, which was lacking so far. Defense was soaking in sweat leaving Louis to assume that the other team's offense was pretty good as well if they made us work that hard to keep them out. 

"I don't Coach, I'm just off I guess," Louis states. The coach rolls his eyes and dismisses the other players only to get in Louis' face. Louis pushes his hair back with his hand and takes in a couple sharp breaths. 

"You gotta get your mind in the game, Tomlinson, I can't afford to loose this one, you hear?" Louis nods and goes off to take a sip of water. He glances over to the other team and watches the goalie and his movements. He was patting his teammates on the back and looked excited as he spoke. Louis wishes he could feed off the boy's energy. 

He snaps out of it as the whistles blow, pulling him back into the game. Louis sets his bottle down and takes his place near the goal. As his team throws the ball in. Louis watches as the ball moves around the middle of the field, going from team to team with nearly ever kick. He's tempted to move up to help, but his coach looks at him, telling him to stay back. 

"So you're Tomlinson?" Louis turns to see the goalie. He was leaning against one of the goal posts and smirking at Louis. Louis rolls his eyes and turns back around, facing the rest of the field. He watches as the ball travels up towards his end of the field a ways. 

"What's it to you?" Louis doesn't understand how he could be so chill while playing a game. Soccer games were intense and couldn't be taken lightly. He didn't have time to sit and chat with this boy no matter how insanely attractive he was. 

"I like to keep track of the gorgeous guys I happen to stumble across," He answers. Louis doesn't know if he was still hot from running or blushing, but considering he hasn't ran that much he was guessing on the latter. 

"Well what can I call you?" Louis hates himself for taking his attention from the game, but he was drawn to having a conversation with the lad. 

"Harry Styles," He answers. Louis focuses back on the action of the game. He watches as his team pushes to get the ball back to him, but get stopped by the other team's offense. Louis glances at his coach again, knowing that he should help his team, but not wanting to upset his coach. 

His coach catches his gaze and shakes his head again. Louis wants to groan. How could he not see they were getting nowhere from this? The game would end in a tie if they kept this going. If he sent Louis down they would at least be able to get the ball and maybe work a couple of plays, but that wouldn't happen if they never got the ball. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a great ass, Tomlinson?" Louis' mind snaps out of the game again and back to the goalie. He turns around and glares at him. 

"Why are you looking at my ass?" Louis questions. Harry shrugs and takes his position in the middle of the box. Harry points down the field and Louis turns to see Niall, his teammate, running towards him with the ball. Louis snaps back into reality and waves his arms. Niall passes him the ball and Louis catches it in his feet. He looks around him for a moment before turning his attention to Harry. He dribbles closer to him and Harry slowly creeps out of the box. 

"To answer you're question: I look at the asses of people I may want to ask out," Harry answers as he creeps out farther and attempts to kick the ball away from Louis. Louis sidesteps and looks at his options. 

"Let us score and I'll consider," Louis answers as he passes the ball to Niall who was waiting at the other end of the box. Harry's grin slips up his face as he goes over to block Niall. By that point some of Harry's other players had come and was starting to fight for the ball. Louis looks at the goal and notices he's open. He waves his hand at Niall who passes it to him. He gains control quickly, but Harry is quicker. He turns in time to see Louis pull his leg back. Harry had the time to block, but when he kicks it, he goes for a lousy attempt to save it. It hits the net just as the whistle goes off. 

Harry picks the ball up and smirks at Louis as he goes back to his team. Niall runs to Louis and jumps in his arms, giving him a hug. Louis hugs him back and start towards the rest of the team. The coach gives us a little pep talk along with a small congratulations for winning before dismissing them. Louis watches as Harry's team disbands. They catch each other's gaze as they start towards each other. The pair meet about halfway, Harry carrying a water jug and a soccer ball. 

"What's your first name Tomlinson?" Harry asks as they head towards the exit together. Louis feel myself blushing around the slightly taller boy. Now that he wasn't in a game setting he could feel his naturally shy and blushy demeanor sneaking out. 

"Louis," He answers as he brings a hand through his hair. Harry nods and drops his ball, dribbling it as they walk. 

"Thanks for letting me score on you," Louis starts. Harry waves him off. Louis thinks back at why Harry had let him score in the first place. He promised Harry he would consider it, but he hadn't properly thought about it. 

If he were being honest with himself he would say that yes, he really did want to go out with the other boy. He seemed like he had a nice enough personality and was seriously attractive. They had a common interest that they were both pretty good at. Louis was curious where it would go between them if they did get together. 

"No problem...about the date. I mean you totally don't have to if you don't want to. Don't feel like you have to because I let you score. But the offer stands if you want to and I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable. Coach tries to make me put the other team on edge if they play up near me and stuff and I'm really sorry...it's not right an-"

"It's fine, I would really like to go on a date with you at some point, but maybe I can give you my number and we can talk a little first. As for the ass comments, I get them so much that it doesn't affect me anymore, but thanks for apologizing. Nobody really does that," Louis explains. He didn't want to take things with a random stranger too far too soon. 

"It may shock you, but I am a gentlemen. I can add myself as a contact in your phone that way you can control when we talk and whatnot," Harry suggests. Louis nods, unlocking his phone and passing it to Harry. Harry types for a moment before handing it back and dashing off to his car. 

Louis glances down at his phone and notices the contact name.

Hot Goalie ;)


Hey guys!!! There's two things I wanna discuss and please answer both so I know where that stands (the whole two of you lmao). 1) I may make another part to this one shot so you know what happens after this and their date and what not, would you guys like that? 2)Please leave some suggestions for one shot ideas as it's kinda difficult to come up with a new concept ever week you know? Other than that thanks so much for reading! ~B

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