I Do?

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An excerpt from a new book called "I Do?" in which Harry accidentally marries Louis in Vegas


"Niall what the fuck did I do yesterday," Harry whisper-shouts as he slides into the chair across from his friend. Tiredly, Niall lets out a yawn and motions for Harry to quiet down.

"What do you mean," Niall sighs. He doesn't spare Harry a glance as he cuts his waffle into a bite-size piece. Harry glances around the room nervously, suddenly scared someone will see the piece of paper he's holding in his hand.

"This is what I mean," Harry hisses as he slides the paper towards Niall. Once Niall takes it in his hand Harry puts as much distance between himself and the document as he can. The chair he's leaning in nearly topples over a few times, but Harry doesn't even care. The piece of paper is the most terrifying thing he's seen in his entire life.

Harry watches nervously as Niall gently places his fork down before glancing at the paper. As soon as his eyes read the words at the top he chokes on the waffle, sending him into a coughing fit. "Shut the fuck up, people are staring," Harry whispers harshly. Niall sets the sheet down and finishes his coughing spell into his elbow before finally catching his breath.

"Is this real," Niall asks as he spares the paper a side-ways glance, as if it's cursed. Harry leans forward in his chair, not wanting to risk anyone in the hotel lobby hearing him.

"I think so... I don't know! It was on the floor when I woke up and I can't remember anything that happened yesterday," Harry sighs as he dramatically lays his head on the table. "Why am I so stupid when I drink? I'm never drinking again."

Harry trains his eyes on the waffle machine and the cute girl standing by it. "You can lie to yourself but don't lie to me. You're a certified alcoholic and... certificated as married now too I guess," Niall laughs.

Harry sits up sharply and lasers his gaze at Niall, "This is not a laughing matter! I'm a married man, Niall. I'm a married man to someone I've never met!" His eyes fall on the girl at the waffle station again as she laughs loudly. Her laugh is a little too loud for Harry's liking, but the thoughts running through his head wouldn't involve laughing anyway.

Niall seems to have caught Harry's gaze and tsks, "Ah, no looking. You're a newly-wed and you can't already be thinking of cheating on your wife." Harry rolls his eyes and turns his head to face the other direction.

"It's not like it matters who she is anyway," Harry sighs. He figures he'll figure out a way to find her and send her the proper paper work for a divorce. As much as he hates the idea of being a 19 divorcee, there's not much else he can do about the matter. He's not prepared for a relationship at the moment, nonetheless to the commitment involved in a marriage.

"He... it doesn't matter who uh... he is," Niall says awkwardly. Harry furrows his eyebrows, confused but sure Niall's just misunderstanding. He who?

"What are you on about," Harry sighs as he sits up again. His whole body aches and not only from the hangover. He leans his head in his hands, not even having the energy to hold his head up.

"Um... I think you married a guy, H," Niall states as he slides the document over to Harry. Oh god. This can't be happening. Harry snatches the paper from Niall's grip.

He didn't even bother looking at the other name on the sheet, there was no point to. When he saw the paper he thought it was a joke and the name belonged to some made up person. Obviously he knows now the paper is official but he couldn't possibly have married a man. There have been a lot of bad decisions that Drunk Harry have made, but marrying... a guy? That's off the table.

Nonetheless, the name at the bottom of the page reads 'Louis Tomlinson'. Louis can be a girl's name. Admittedly, Harry's never a female Louis, but he's sure it could happen.

"Lewis Tomlinson... so does that make you Mr. Tomlinson now are do you think this Lewis fellow will change to Lewis Styles. I will say that Harry Tomlinson has a bit of a ring to it," Niall teases. Harry shoves the paper to the edge of the table, not wanting to look at it a moment longer.

"Nobody is changing their name! This is some sort of cruel joke. Even drunk I wouldn't... marry a guy," Harry hisses under his breath. He glances around after the words have left his lips, not wanting anyone to hear him. This is embarrassing enough as it is. The last thing he needs is for everyone in the hotel to know about it.

"Fine, but you have to find him you know," Niall sighs as he goes back to his waffle. Harry shakes his head.

"I could just forget it happened," Harry suggests. Niall rolls his eyes as he takes a bite of the waffle.

"You know you can't do that," Niall says. Harry gives him a look that reads 'try me' but Niall continues, "Let's say you're 24 and you found this great girl who you want to marry. You can't now, because you're married to a guy you never met when you were 19. Now, you have to put your entire life on hold to find the guy who, may or may not, want to sign the divorce papers. It would end up in a huge hassle. Future you will thank me for pushing you to divorce him now."

"I hate when you're right," Harry grumbles. Niall just lets out a happy little 'hm' as he finishes the last of his waffle. "How am I even supposed to find him? I don't know anything about him! I mean I know that his name is Louis Tomlinson and his birthday but there could be a thousand different people who have the same name and birthday."

"Did you try twitter? I hear they're pretty good at finding people," Niall suggests. Harry rolls his eyes.

"What? I'm just supposed to tweet 'looking for a guy named Louis Tomlinson. Here's his birthday. Thank you'?"

Niall shrugs, "Why not? Are there any pictures in your phone that could maybe be him?"

Harry shakes his head, but pulls his phone out anyway. "I went through my camera roll this morning and didn't see anything like that," He sighs. For reassurance, Harry opens the photos app and starts scrolling. He's more careful now as he looks in the back of his photos for a clue of who this 'Louis Tomlinson' guy could possible be.

He stops as he sees a blurry jacket in the back of one of his selfies. It's a guy, that's for sure. His hair is cut short and brown from what Harry can make out and he's wearing a purple and yellow windbreaker. It's not much, but it's something to start with.

"Just tweet it Harry, you'll thank me later."

Sighing, Harry opens Twitter and composes a new tweet.

@HarrySTheBest tweeted:

Help me find a guy? His name is Louis Tomlinson and he's 21. I think we accidentally got married and I need to find him for the divorce lol. I think this is him.

*1 attached photo

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@HarrySTheBest replied to @HarrySTheBest tweet:

I'm straight btw. I was drunk. Vegas and shit yk how it is.

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"And now," Niall sighs, "We wait." 


Hey guys! If you liked this please check out my new book called "I Do?" and leave a vote and comment to lmk! Thanks so much! ~B

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