Home is Where The Heart is.

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A one shot where Louis and Harry break up, but still love each other


Louis and Harry had been together for five years. They had graduated high school together and now shared an apartment as they both finished school. It was difficult, but they managed to keep their relationship in one piece. Louis and Harry just insisted that if two people were meant to stay together they would figure out a way to make it work. They both put a lot of hard work into their relationship, but they both knew it was worth it. 

Until they started doubting that. 

It was the little things first. Louis not picking up after himself and leaving Harry to clean the house. Harry not throwing away the empty food containers and, instead, leaving them in the fridge for Louis to take care of. Perhaps, Louis not cuddling Harry anymore in bed and falling asleep or Harry hogging the blankets. 

Either way, they both slowly realized they they were both unhappy. They couldn't go two minutes without bickering about something and they could tell it was taking a toll on their relationship.

 It was Harry who realized, after a more heated argument about Louis' lack of effort in their pairing, that maybe they weren't meant to be after all. When Harry finally understood what that meant and he cried. He didn't know how to live without Louis. His first and only home he shared was with his partner, he was used to falling asleep with a warm body next to him, he was used to Louis and the pure thought of being in a world without him was terrifying. 

Louis managed to pick up on Harry's strange behavior not long after Harry understood they were nearing the end of their partnership. Of course, this only made Louis more upset, because Harry wouldn't tell Louis why he was upset and acting weird. This, naturally, lead to more argument, but finally...

"I think we should break up." 

It was simple. Six words was all. Harry didn't even think much about it, it just came out with his thoughts. They were eating dinner together, for the first time that month, and they had slipped into a silent part of their conversation and it...slipped. 

"What?" Harry looks up at Louis and realizes what this meant. He had been avoiding this moment for months and finally it was here. Harry scans over his lover's face and his heart drops. 

"I think we should break up. We both obviously aren't happy in this relationship and I don't know...I think we should...break up," Harry explains. He was nervous. He didn't know how Louis was going to react. He assumed Louis would start yelling or maybe agree, but he was prepared for what Louis did. 

Louis slowly set his fork down on the table and blinked a few times. Harry watched as he placed his hands to his temples and looked down at his plate. He noticed that Louis was crying and not his loud cry that was reserved for sad movies or heartbreaking RSPCA commercials, but the silent cry. Harry knew Louis was hurting when the only thing he did was let the tears fall. Harry had watched it when Louis' mother passed away in November and now he was doing it again. 

"Okay," Louis whispers. He looks up and Harry watches as the tears fall down his rosy cheeks. Louis had pulled his sweater sleeves down his to hands and wiped away the tears as best he could before looking at Harry. He bites his lip and nods. Harry sits there, unsure of what to do, as Louis stands and speed walks to their bedroom. 

Harry sighs, silently knowing what this meant. He should leave. He knew it would be the kind thing to do. He had broken up with Louis and knew that it would be right to let Louis stay here. He lets his body go on autopilot. 

The first thing he does it pick up his phone and call his best friend. He can feel the tears starting to from behind his eyes as Niall picks up. 

"Yo! I was just finishing dinner can I call you back in a bit or is it--"

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