*Spill Your Sins

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A one shot where One Direction is kidnapped and forced to spill their deepest secrets. 


When Louis opens his eyes he finds himself in a small living room setting. He had never seen the place before, but his eyes drifted noticing his band mates. He runs to them and unties the ropes around their hands as they slowly come to. 

"Where are we?" Niall whispers as he rubs his head and looks around. Just as he said that a voice speaks. 

"Welcome. I'm glad to see that you guys are all awake. Now, I have a game for you. Each of you will tell your deepest secret or one of you will die. Don't attempt to lie, because I know," The voice says. Louis furrows his eyebrows. 

"Why the fuck should we do what you say, huh? Fuck you!" Louis shouts. Liam grabs Louis shoulder and pushes him back. 

"Look, I don't think we're gonna get anywhere we yell at him. Maybe if we just do what he says we'll get out of here," Liam suggests. The other boys nod, none of them had a better idea and if get them from dying they would surely go along with it. 

"Zayn why don't we start with you?" The voice speaks again, startling the boys. Zayn shrugs not caring that he was here at all. 

"Louis do you remember when we got high together back in 2013? Well after that I started getting addicted to the feeling and ended up doing harder stuff," Zayn admits. Zayn had gotten high on weed that first time, but loved the feeling it gave him. When his high ended the only thing he wanted to do was try it again and again. Soon enough he went from weed to meth and meth went to crack. That was what he was on now. He craved it all the time and couldn't help himself now. Of course he tried his best to not show signs while doing things with the band, but you can only do so much. Liam sucks in a breath and glares at him. 

"Is that why you keep asking me for money? To fuel your addiction? You son of a bitch!" Liam shouts as Harry grabs him and pulls him away from Zayn. Zayn sits and starts tapping his foot as he looked at the rest of the boys. 

"I guess I'll go. You have to promise you won't be mad!" Niall pipes up from beside the sofa. Niall clears his throat looking utterly terrified to tell the boys what he's done, "Well...I...I'm sorry. I let Simon do what he wants to me so that I don't have to stunt," Niall bursts into tears afterwards leaving the other boys in shock. Niall had felt guilty about it since Niall came to Simon in tears about doing stunts. Niall saw what kind of affects it had on Louis and didn't want the same things to happen to him. Simon had suggested the deal while Niall was still young and naive, not wanting anything bad to happen. It's been years now and Simon won't let him leave. He's tried to and was talking to Liam about pressing charges a few days before this. 

"You mean...Simon..." The boys were at a loss of words. Nobody really knew why Niall never had to stunt, they all just assumed that he didn't have to because he kept up the image of pure, innocent one. Nobody would've guessed that it was really because Niall had sex with Simon. 

"I don't have all day. You need to continue. Harry?" The voice speaks again. Harry looks at Louis wondering what his deepest secret really was. He never really kept any. He thought he was rather open about everything, the only thing he kept to myself was if it had to do with other people. Oh. He knew what the voice must be talking about. Did Louis have a secret deeper than that? Harry didn't know. 

"Louis and I are dating," Harry sighs. Zayn looks up at them, anger playing across his face. 

"That's fucking why I have to keep covering for your asses! Simon always told me to stop the rumors, but I didn't think it was because they were true! You fucking shitheads! The least you could've done was told me, but no I have to do your damn dirty work all the fucking time. Fuck you. I left the damn band for a reason," Zayn snaps. Harry felt himself starting to crumble inside. He didn't know that Zayn had left because he was tried of covering for them. Harry knew that Zayn was sick of dealing with Simon, but if Simon had Zayn covering for them it was Harry's fault Zayn left. All those girls that killed themselves because Zayn left was all on Harry's hands. He felt himself starting to be sick. 

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