*The Knife

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One shot where Louis meets his ex-boyfriend Harry at a fast food restaurant

Co-writer: thechubbyprince


"I'll take a number 10 with a medium drink and large fries, please," I ordered with an exasperated sigh leaving my lips. It had been a long morning and I wanted nothing more than to go home and take a nap, but I had a doctors appointment later today and it was a big one.

"Will that be for here or to go?" The overly cheerful employee asked as I just waved her off. I had no time to deal with her questions, I just needed to get my meal and leave with as little socialization as possible.

"To go and please make it quick." I said bluntly as I checked my phone for the time. I had to be at the doctors at 12:30, it was already 12:06 and it was a 20 minute drive, lord help me.

I quickly grabbed my receipt and waited in the back for my number to be called. I look around, trying to find anything that could grab my attention, that's when I saw it, a pair of green eyes.

He was standing in line to order and I couldn't help but notice the rather tattered flower crown sitting upon his head. The clothes he wore were adorable, with a big pastel pink sweater and light jeans, his outfit was more aesthetically pleasing than any of the Tumblr blogs I followed. Suddenly he flicked his dark brown curls out of his face and his deep green eyes met my cool blue ones.

"Harry, Harry Styles is that you?" I ask, moving towards him to lightly touch his shoulder, he turns around, his expression changing from normal to outraged.

"Fuck off, Louis. I thought I've made it clear I don't wish to speak with you." My heart jerks as my ex-boyfriend says that, to be honest, I still loved Harry after everything that happened, but I take a moment to look at the clock and notice that it was 12:16 and I was really going to be late to my appointment.

"Gemma is pregnant and I was just on my way to her ultrasound. I was wondering if you would care to tag along, since she's your sister and all...", I trailed off nervously, "You know, it wasn't me right, Harry? I'm not the father of the child!"

"I'm very aware, Louis. Yet that doesn't change what happened that night." He said with venom on his tongue. Thinking back to the night gave me shivers and made me want to vomit, there was a reason I had locked those memories away.

I heard my order being called and looked at him with a defeated look in my eyes. I wanted nothing more than to explain everything, but I knew I had no time for it.

"Listen, I gotta run but meet me under our tree at 9 for an explanation. If free food and closure is what you want, be there." I grab my bag of food and run off towards my car, hoping that I could somehow still make the ultrasound.


"Oh thank god you made it." Gemma sighed in relief before holding her clammy hand in mine. The doctor glares at me as he pours a little of the liquid on her stomach and starts rubbing it around.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled sadly at her as she squeezed my hand lightly.

"It's a boy!" The doctor exclaims as he moves the hand monitor over her stomach.

She started tearing up as did I.

The boy would be the perfect replacement for Harry and I's late son.


"Are you going to explain?" Harry snaps, as I slowly approach our tree.

"Fucking chill. Here's your food." I tossed him the tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, tossing a spoon as well. He opens the tub and takes in a scoop of ice cream before taking a seat on the ground, I take a seat in front of him.

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