*The Interruptions

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A one shot where Louis wants to leave, but Harry tries his best to prevent it. 


I wanted to leave. Not this city or my small apartment, life. I wanted to leave my life for good and go on. Most people would say that I wanted to die, but that wasn't true. Dying meant ending things and really it meant dying. I didn't want to die. I wanted to live, but the only way that I could stop my life and start truly fresh was to die. 

That's why I stood on the table in the middle of my living room with a noose around my neck. All of my things were neatly stacked along the wall of the room. I had labeled boxes with what would go to whom after I left so nobody had to fight over it. I also laid out a will and some money for my body to be cremated. I didn't want a funeral. Funerals were for the dead and I wasn't dying, simply blowing out a candle or ending this chapter. 

My favorite song played in the background as I stood on the table thinking about the last things that I would do. I go to take a step off, but stop. 

The phone rings. 

I groan and take my head out of the noose to go answer it. I didn't want to leave messages behind for my family to sort through. I pick up the phone and place it to my ear. The familiar sound of a computer fills my ears as I'm reminded that Hot Topic as a sale going on. I place the phone done and go back to the table. 

I place my head back in the noose and let my mind settle for a moment before I go to step off. What would my last words be? I open my mouth to say my last words, but stop again. 

The song comes to an end. 

I groan louder this time. I refused to do this without my favorite song playing. I take my head out again and go and replay the song. I look around, making sure that there was nothing else to interrupt me. When I find nothing I go back to the table and place my head in the rope for the third time. I take a step off of the table before anything else can interrupt me. 

Only to land on the floor. 

I look up and see that the rope had snapped. Great. I had to be hung. There was no other way that I wanted to go out. I stand and grab my keys. I had to go the store and buy stronger rope. 

When I get there I go straight to one of the workers not wanting to waste any time in searching. It had to be done today. There was no way around it. I had my calendar marked for this day, I had all my bills paid so that it wouldn't stress out my family. It had to be done today. 

I tap the man's shoulder and he turns around. I notice his name tag first.



"Where can I find the rope?" I ask. He raises an eyebrow and looks me up and down before taking me to the right aisle. 

"What kind of rope are you looking for exactly?" He questions. 

"Just...uh...something to go in a tool box and something strong." I answer. He nods and hands me a bundle of rope. It was bright purple. That wouldn't do. I refuse to end my life with bright purple rope. "Do you have a different color?" He sucks in a breath and takes another look at me before answering. 

"Sorry this is the only kind we have." 

"Do you have any plain rope colors that could...uh...hold someone up?" I ask. I didn't want him to think I wanted to kill myself. He would try to stop me and I would have to explain that I didn't want to die. I had listened to it all before. Move somewhere else and start a new life. It wasn't that easy. He wouldn't understand. 

"Oh...you're one of them. That's not going to work at all then. Here." He hands me a different kind of rope. This kind was brown. Good. He places the purple back on the rack and heads back to the cash register. I follow him. 

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