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A one shot where Louis' afraid of the thunder. 



I keep myself from shrieking as the sound suddenly washes through my dark bedroom. I glance around nervously as my room brightens as the flash follows moments later. I saw the shadows of my dressers and bed against the wall and it reminded me something out of a horror movie. Not settling. 

I brought my blanket up to my chin as the rain pounded against the roof of my apartment. I hated myself for getting so worked up during storms, but I guess I was like a dog in that I hated them. Every time a storm hit my area I knew about it because I would wake up moments before the rain would start and wouldn't be able to sleep until it stopped. 

I glance out my window and see the rain dripping down it as another jolt of thunder hit. I jumped and let out a small whimper, pulling the blanket even tighter around myself. 

I grab for my phone, hoping to distract myself from the storm outside. I unlock it quickly, turning the flashlight on. I give a quick glance across my room, stopping as I see something in the corner next to my dresser. I move closer trying to figure out what it is. I nearly drop my phone as I jump, another strike hitting the ground. I curse under my breath, my heart racing as I pick my phone back up. 

I hated my roommate. He was probably sleeping soundly in his room, enjoying the 'calming' sound of the rain. He enjoyed storms because the rain was therapeutic to him and made it easier to sleep. I was tempted to go to his room wondering if he was still awake.

I stick my toe out from underneath the blanket, making sure nothing was going to grab me. I slowly start inching out and finally I'm near the door. BOOM!  "Fuck this!" I mutter, racing back to my bed and jumping in it, curling up underneath the covers. I hated that a bunch of water and energy made me so on edge. 

I grab my phone, not wanting to handle this alone. I dial my roommate's number quickly, pressing the phone to my ear just as my room lights up with a flash of lightening. 

"Louis?" My roommate asks. I sigh in relief. He was up. This was great. I take another glance out my window before responding. 

"I'm scared shitless. Can you please come over?" I whisper, scared that the storm or some paranormal creature would hear me. My heart flutters slightly as I hear my roommate sigh loudly, obviously done with me and my antics. 

"Okay. Fine. I'm coming over, you nerd." He answers back. I hang up the phone and make room for him on my bed. It wasn't very often that I got so worked up I wanted Harry to come over, but he knew it was bad when I did. My door creaks open and I sigh as Harry sticks his head in. 

"Thank god." I mutter as Harry walks over to me. He wore a pair of slippers that would make a noise every time he stepped so as he walked over to me the sound of his pink pig slippers 'oinking' every step calmed me down. Other than his slippers the only thing he wore was a pair of navy blue boxer briefs, leaving his chest bare. 

I was never one to stare at someone. Well. Actually, that was a lie. I was caught staring at people a lot, but I never really stared at Harry, until now that is. He takes a seat next to me in the bed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and giving it a small squeeze. 

"Why don't you try to lay down?" Harry suggests, slowly guiding me to lay down. We lay facing each other, my gaze focused on the door behind him. I noted his hand move to my waist, lifting my shirt slightly. The pads of his fingers ghosted over my skin, causing a tingle to go up me. 

"Lou, look at me." He takes his free hand and presses it against my cheek, shifting my attention to him rather then the door. He smiles and tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. 

"Just look at me. There you go!" He praises as my eyes drift to his. His thumb moves over my cheek and down to my shoulder where he rested it. 

"Thank you." I whisper to him, pressing my forehead against his chest. He chuckles, but brings me into him anyway, wrapping his arms around me and bringing me close. I felt safe in his arms, the thunder and lightening couldn't get to me when I was in Harry's arms. 

A crack of lighting struck outside and I jumped slightly, but Harry held tight, not letting my get away from him. "Talk to me about something." Harry says, pulling back, but still holding onto me. Our foreheads could almost touch, but I was too focused on the thunder and rain to let my heart run wild. 

"When I look at you my heart goes crazy. Whenever you look at me, my stomach does this stupid thing, and it gets really annoying after a while, but I secretly love it." I start, my words tumbling from my mouth like the rain outside. 

"You do that thing when we're watching a movie where you try to put your head on my shoulder. You're not very slick at doing that and I notice every time, but I never stop you because I love it. And whenever we cook you always wear that damn apron that says 'kiss the cook' and I'm so tempted to every time, but I know it will ruin everything so I don't. You do that stupid yoga shit in the middle of the living room and it's so hard not to stare at your ass when you're shoving it everywhere and swinging it around. 

"Then you tempt me by walking around half naked all the time. You have no idea how many awkward boners I've gotten because you're walking down the hall with your dick practically hanging out. Then I have to make some lame excuse as to why I'm leaving, which is to go take a cold shower because I get embarrassed to think about you while I wank off. 

"I hate you because I'm always calling you beautiful and adorable, but you never understand that I mean it. You always say thank you and act like it's a bro thing, when it's not. I love so many things about you. Your stupid jawline which is carved from the angels and your eyes which were hand picked by god himself. I hate your lips because I want to kiss them every time I see them." I stop and take in a breath, looking at him. 

He didn't say anything. It was silent except for the constant beating of the rain against the roof. I was terrified as to what would come next. 

After another moment of silence, Harry lifts his hand up to my cheek and presses it hard against me. 

"Kiss me." He demands. I blink before leaning in and kissing him. 


Hey guys. So I was just guessing you kinda figured where it would go from there. If you didn't well, then...sorry? I don't know. If you liked this leave a comment or something. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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