Bake Me Some Cupcakes

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A one shot where Louis has to bake cupcakes for work and asks his boyfriend to help. 


 Louis sets the cake mixture on the table and turn around to grab a bowl just as the door opens and his boyfriend walks in. They had been living together for 2 years and neither would change it for the world. They meant everything to each other. 

"What are you doing?" Harry enters and pulls Louis into a hug, placing a kiss on his neck. Louis pulls away wanting to get the cupcakes down with. 

"There's going to be a potluck at my work and I was assigned dessert. I thought making cupcakes would be easy enough," Louis explains. He shows him the cake box Louis had picked up at the store a couple of days ago. Harry frowns at him. 

"This can't bring boxed cupcakes to work, Gorgeous, that's just tacky!" Harry complains as he sets the box down on the table. Louis sticks out his bottom lip in annoyance as his shoulder sag. He didn't want to go to the struggle of making real cupcake. He is instantly jealous of his co-worker Liam would who be making a simple green-bean casserole. 

"Why not? They'll eat it all the same!" Louis shoots back. Harry brings the smaller boy into his arms and kisses him lightly. The older one sags into his boyfriend's arms, wanting to avoid cooking. Maybe he should just ask Harry to do it for him. 

"Because it'll taste better. I'll help you, Lovely." Harry moves away from Louis to pulls out two baking aprons and hands on to Louis who stubbornly puts it on. Harry places the cake box in the back of one of their cabinets where it more than likely will get forgotten about. 

"Let me get my recipe book out," Harry says as he reaches over Louis and grabs the book from the top shelf. Harry looks through it for a moment before pulling out the recipe he wanted. He sets it on the table and starts gathering the ingredients whilst Louis glares at him. 

"Come on we don't need a recipe do we? Can't we just wing it? That's what I always do and I always end up with good results!" Louis complains again as he crosses his arms across his chest. Harry turns around and looks at him, his mouth open in shock. 

"Lou you know I love you and all, but you aren't the best at cooking." 

"Fine, I sometimes end up with good results, but most of the time it's good!" 

"No, Louis, you end up with bad results for the most part. We're using the recipe!" Harry says sternly. Louis pouts a moment before sighing and bending in. 


"Read me off the list of what we need, please." Louis picks up the index card and looks at the top. The list of ingredients were written in Harry's neat handwriting.  

"1 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of butter, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of vanilla...Harry this'll take ages!" Louis reads over the rest of the list and sees how extensive it is. "Can't we just buy some from Walmart?" 

"Stop complaining Gorgeous." 

"Ugh, 1/2 cup of milk, 1 1/2 cup of flour, and 1 3/4 teaspoons of baking powder. I better be getting extra cuddles tonight for this," Louis threatens. Harry stands and sets the different things on the table before heading back over to Louis who grumbles as Harry starts telling him what to do. 


"Carefully, Lou! I said pour carefully! You're going to get it all over the counter!" Harry shouts as Louis tries his best to pour the cupcake mixture into the cake pans. He was failing. He had gone over the edge twice and one of the cupcake would end up being the ultimate cupcake if he didn't take out some of the batter. 

"I'm trying my best!" Louis whines, placing the bowl down and puckering his bottom lip at his boyfriend. They still had a whole sheet to do and if Louis continued he would end up making an even bigger mess. 

"I know. Let me do these. Watch and learn, Lovely." Harry kisses his nose and picks up the batter and starts to pour. Louis watches in amazement as his boyfriend pours the batter in almost perfectly. Each cupcake from Harry's sheet would be just about the same size and there would be no mess to clean up. 

"I hate you," Louis complains. Harry sets the bowl in the sink and turns to Louis. He slowly wraps his arms around the shorter boy's waste and pulls him closer to him. 

"I think you mean love. I got my good skinny jeans covered in flour because of you," Harry points out. Louis chuckles. 

"You deserved it! You made me go to through the struggle of making homemade batter instead of using the boxed kind! We could've been down half and hour ago!" Harry rolls his eyes and puts the cupcakes in the oven. 

"We have 35 minutes before they come out of the oven. What do you suggest we do while we wait?" 


"Now all we have to do is ice them and we're done!" Harry proclaims as Louis pokes one of the cupcakes while he isn't looking. A shooting pain runs up his finger and he shoves into his mouth to try and cook it down. Harry turns around and raises an eyebrow at him. 

"More stuff? I thought we were done!" 

"No, Lou, we have to put icing on them. Only terrible cupcakes don't have icing." Harry explains as he pulls out a bowl of fresh icing he made while the cupcakes were in the oven, all the while Louis had sat on the sofa and watched FIFA. 

"Maybe I want terrible cupcakes," Louis shoots back. 

"If you stop complaining I'll watch FIFA with you," Harry suggests. Harry hated watching FIFA. He saw no point in watching a few men running back and forth trying to shoot a goal, but he would make an exception if it meant Louis would stop complaining. 

"Okay, fine. What do you need me to do?" 

"Watch me and then repeat." Harry takes some of the icing and squeezes it into a piping bag before making a neat swirl around the top of one of the cupcakes. He smiles at Louis and passes the bag to him. 

They were done to the last one and Louis had found that he was quite good at piping once he got into it. At first his hand was awfully shaky and he ended up making a blob, but after a few attempts and some positive encouragement from Harry (aka kisses) he managed to get a few good ones. 

"There all done! Don't they look lovely?" Harry asks. They had taken the cupcakes out of the baking tin and had set them on a cooling rack. Louis was actually pretty proud of their handy work, although he would never admit it to Harry. 

"FIFA time!" Louis proclaims, taking Harry's hand and dragging him to the couch as he turned on the TV. 


Hey guys. This felt a little rushed so idk how you guys will feel about it. If you liked it make sure to vote and if you didn't I understand. Sorry it's been a while guys. I've been on Thanksgiving break and wanted to just lounge all week. This is dedicated to jennier_1223. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B 


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