Best Friends Forever

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A one shot where Harry dies at 7 at his best friend Louis' house, but doesn't exactly leave.


Louis had made a new best friend. It was odd of him to do so, considering not many people liked him. His new friend was named Harry and he really enjoyed Louis' company. Harry's mom had dropped Harry off for a play date earlier that day so she could go get her nails done. 

Louis and Harry were playing tag in Louis' front yard, Louis' mother watched them from a window as she did dishes. Harry was near the curb, standing at the edge as he tries to avoid being touched by Louis. Louis reaches out anyway and tags Harry. He stumbles backwards, trying not to get tagged, and ends up on his back in the road.

Louis doesn't have time to think, because before he knows it a car runs over his new friend. It stops immediately afterwards and a young woman jumps out of the front seat. Louis hears his mother scream from her spot inside. 

Louis was frozen as he watched the young woman pull out her phone and dial a number. Louis' mother, Jay, runs out of the house and pulls Harry from the road. Louis watches, not knowing what he should do. The woman is sobbing as she explains what happens to the people on the phone. 

It takes a while, but the ambulance finally gets there and pulls Harry onto a gurney. They push him into the car and drive off, hardly patting an eye at Louis. The cops show up not long later. They asked Louis' mother a lot of questions while another cops handcuffed the younger woman and put her in a police car. Harry's mom, Anne, pulled up a short while later and called for her baby boy. Jay and her get into a heated argument all while Louis sits on the curb and pulls at the grass. 

A cop comes and sits next to Louis. He asks the boy a few questions about what happened. Louis tries his best to answer the questions the cop has, but after a while he gets bored and asks where Harry went. All Louis wanted to do was play with Harry. 


Louis was given the talk the day after they got the news. He hadn't understood death really well at all, don't get him wrong, he knew that old people disappeared into the clouds and you didn't see them ever again, but he never thought it could happen to someone young. His mother had explained to him that death could happen to anyone and at the time that scared Louis. 

Louis was feeling a little better at the present, however. He had decided to go to the funeral and say goodbye to Harry. Louis had nightmares for the next week following the funeral that he was going to die next. His mother was so concerned she was tempted to take him to the school counselor to talk about it. 

Two weeks after, however, Louis was feeling a little better. He still missed his best friend a lot and still wished they could play together, but he was finally understanding that Harry was in a better place now. Heaven was the best place Harry could ever be, his mother had explained.

He was playing in the backyard (his mother had proclaimed the front yard off limits) three weeks after Harry's death. Louis was picking at some of the grass, wishing Harry was there when he heard a familiar voice. 

"Louis, can we play pretend? I don't wanna play tag, because I hurt myself while playing it last time." Louis turns and sees Harry standing by the fence. His short brown hair looked no different then how it had been the last time Louis had seen him, and he didn't seem to have any kind of cuts or bruises. 

"My mommy said that you were gone forever. How are you here?" Louis crosses his arms over his chest and looks at his best friend. Did his mom lie to him? She had have. 

"I don't know. I just remember seeing all white and then I heard you saying you wanted to play with me so I asked my big poppa if I could come and play with you. He said I could, so I'm here!" Harry smiles and skips over to Louis. 

"My mommy said that you were in heaven with God," Louis points out. Harry thinks for a moment then nods. 

"Yea! God is my big poppa! I don't like calling him God though, he prefers poppa, so that's what I call him. Can we play yet? Poppa said I couldn't stay long," Harry whines. Louis was still not over the fact that his best friend was here and was still curious as to how he was here. 

"My mommy said that you were an angel. Are you an angel, Harry?" Louis glances over Harry's head and notes that there was no halo. He couldn't be an angel without a halo. All angels had halos. 

"I don't know. Can we just play already? I missed you, Louis! I wanna play! Poppa said I was allowed to finish our game and that's it," Harry explains. Louis finally lets it go, but only after Harry sticks out his bottom lip and looks at Louis with his big green eyes. Louis couldn't resist Harry's big green eyes. 

"Okay! We can play, I just wanna know how you're here. Wait! We should tell my mommy! You're mommy misses you a lot. She's been crying a lot and your daddy too." Louis points towards the door and starts walking. Harry follows behind him, reluctantly. 

Louis opens the door and allows Harry in before shutting it again. Jay appears a moment later, a cup in her hand. She smiles at Louis. 

"Coming in so soon?" She kisses the top of Louis' head and goes to turn around again, but Louis calls her back. 

"Mommy, can't you see Harry? He came back!" Louis points to Harry. Jay turns back around and raises an eyebrow. She looks to where Louis points, but looks confused. 

"Honey, what have I told you about Harry? Harry is with God now, he's a little angel playing in heaven and can't come back to heart." Jay shakes her head and goes to turn around again, but Louis is reluctant. 

She finally, unable to sway him any other way, pulls out her phone and takes a picture of the spot, knowing for sure that Harry wouldn't show up in the picture because he was dead. However, when she went to pull up the picture she gasps and drops her phone as she sees the dead boy standing clear as day next to her son. 

"Louis, pack a bag. We're moving."


Hey guys! Thoughts? Opinions? By the way, I do have a crush and would like to share some of my lame moments with y'all about them at some point, but I need a code name. If you 1. want to hear about it at all or 2. want to submit a code name just leave a comment! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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