*You're My Angel

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A one shot where Louis kidnaps Harry and writes about it.


Day 1, 

I kidnapped Harry Styles. I don't completely know why I decided to do it. Part of the reason being was that he was too beautiful. Nobody deserves to see how beautiful the boy really is. He's like an angel. Yes! That's it! An angel. 

He came to my shop ever day to buy something. Sometimes he wouldn't even buy something, but just come to talk. I didn't know why the man wanted to come to a shop that sold tight women's jeans and blouses, but either way it got him there. 

I gave him a new pair of clean clothes to wear and some food and water. He didn't accept the clothes, but he did take the food and water. He hasn't spoken to me at all. He just sits on the mattress I have for him and stares at me. 

I have to go check on him. 



Day 3

Sorry I skipped a day. I forgot to write yesterday, but nothing exciting really happened. I went into his room and sat across from him. Neither of us said a thing all day, we just looked at each other. At first I tried to talk, but after a while I knew he wasn't going to answer anyway so I gave up. 

I hope he starts talking to me. I don't want him to think I want to kill him and I keep telling him that, but I don't know if he believes it. I just want us to be together I guess. He's so beautiful and his beauty shouldn't be shared with the outside world. 

At least not yet. 



Day 4

Harry spoke to me today. I was offering him a shirt he was interested in buying from my shop. He took it, but didn't change into it. I asked him how he was feeling and he shrugged. He's starting to respond! 

Then, I asked him why he thinks I took him and he answered! He said, "I don't know." I then explained why I did it. Or at least what I know about why I took him. I told him that he was beautiful and nobody can have that. He didn't show any emotion to that. To bad. 

I hope this is slowly starting to lead to the road of success!



Day 7

It's been a week since I've took him. I got really busy the last couple of days. I've been setting things up for the final plan. I had a brilliant idea for how I was going to make him beautiful enough to be witnessed by the world. 

I hope this works for his sake. If it doesn't he'll never get to see the light of day again. 



Day 8

My mom said that if you catch an angel never let it go. That's why she said she always kept me closer to her because I was her angel. I spoke to her yesterday and she said that she was proud of me for catching my angel. 

I'm glad I can make her happy! 



Day 9

Harry and I had a small conversation today! It went really well! 

Louis: How are you doing? Do you need anything? 

Harry: I want to go home Lou

Louis: This is your home now! Can't you see that? 

Harry: No Louis. That's not how it works. Please let me go. 

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