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A one shot where Harry is a minor god with a minor infatuation.


"Harry, come on you know how upset your mother will be if she finds out you fancy a mortal," Liam criticizes. Harry silences Liam with a wave of his hand. His vision blurs and he assumes it's because his irises are taking on a different color. Harry shakes his head and his vision is restored.

"He's not a mortal, Liam, he's a demigod and besides I don't fancy him, it's simply... infatuation," Harry explains. He watches from the sidelines as the demigod tries to shoot another arrow. Harry doesn't think it's weird to watch the boy practice, but Liam likes to tease him about it. It's not Harry's fault that the boy is gorgeous.

"Infatuation my ass, gods, you know you can't have him. He's probably not even into guys, anyway," Liam counters. He throws Harry a smug expression. Harry goes to tangle his hand in his hair and sucks in a breath when he realizes his hair is blond. Stupid demigods and their attraction towards blonds.

Harry's appearance changes depending on a person's type. Most of the time he can walk around in his normal form (green eyes and curly brown hair), but whenever he goes in public it's constantly changing. There aren't many people who see him in his true form, purely because most people have a type. Liam, asides from his mother, is about the only other person he can be his true self in front of.

"He's the son of Apollo, it's basically a rule that all sons' of Apollo are into guys." It was true. A majority of Apollo's children are LGBT. He hears Liam mutter something under his breath.

"I'm a child of Apollo and I'm not into guys," Liam complains. Harry rolls his eyes. The debate has been going on for centuries.

"What was Zayn?" Harry smirks, knowing he's gotten the best of Liam. His cheeks go pink and he starts stuttering as he tries to explain himself.

"He's... a... you know a... a guy! He's just a... guy that happens to be... quite... nice to look at," Liam stammers. Harry purses his lips and shrugs.

"Whatever you say, I'm going to talk to him," Harry grins. His attention is brought back to the demigod. Harry watches as he misses the target. The boy lets out a pathetic puff of air and grumbles. He sees a blond demigod try to comfort the boy, but it doesn't help.

Harry finds himself walking towards the boy, preparing a speech in his head. He's the god of infatuation, so this should be easy. As he approaches the guy he realizes that this is very not easy. His stomach starts to knot as he steps into the boy's bubble, gaining his attention.

Harry waits for his appearance to change. Normally after a second of being in range of someone his appearance changes, but nothing. He doesn't say anything about it and instead continues.

"Missed your target, what a shame, too bad Eros didn't miss his," Harry flirts. Harry's eyes shift to the blond boy.

"Who do you think you are," The blond huffs. Harry winks at him. Most of the time that's all it takes for someone to be on their knees waiting to serve Harry, but judging by the boy's lack of movement he's probably straight. What a shame.

"Harry, pleasure to meet you," Harry says. He turns towards the other demigod and offers his hand. The brunette blushes lightly and glances at his feet.

"I'm Louis and this is my friend Niall," The demigod explains. Harry turns to the blond and decides that Niall fits him. He turns his attention back to the demigod and sighs quietly.

"Nice to meet you, Louis. You're Apollo's aren't you? You share his dashing good looks. Shame you can't shoot like him. I'm sure you're talents lie... elsewhere," Harry says suggestively. Harry's eyes shift between the two boys. Niall gulps nervously and stammers as he quickly dashes off. Good.

"I'm a singer, pretty good if I say so myself, but I have a feeling you're not supposed to be here," Louis counters. Harry's thrown off. He should be on his knees begging to be one of Harry's many, many lovers. This is all he gets? A challenge, how wonderful.

"You see, we gods can be where we please and right now the only place I want to be is here," Harry flirts. Louis rolls his eyes and turns back to the target. He shoots a few arrows, seeming uninterested, but Harry knows. He can tell by the slight shake in Louis' hand that he has him.

"Your breathing is messing with my concentration," Louis grumbles. He shoots another arrow, watching as it lands an inch below the rest. Harry can tell that he's definitely unnerved the boy.

Harry watches as Louis notches another arrow and lets it fly. "Are you going to just stand there and watch my practice," Louis grumbles. Harry tucks his hands behind his back and smiles.

"Haven't made up my mind yet. I can't let a pretty little thing like you out of my sight," Harry replies. He uses an edge to his voice that usually make everyone's knees weak, but this boy looks only shaky at best.

"Well, make up your mind," Louis grumbles. Harry rolls his eyes and decides on taking a step back to think about it. He knows that this won't last long, they never do. He simply wants to have his way with the boy once before he moves on to his next lover.

"I'll leave you alone if you promise me a date," Harry proposes. Louis sighs loudly and lets his bow drop. He thinks for a moment.

"Swear on the river Styx that you'll leave me alone after this date," Louis argues. Harry thinks for a moment. A date should be enough. One date and he'll be fulfilled.

"As long as I get a kiss at the end of the night," Harry teases. Harry watches as the boy squirms underneath Harry's intense gaze. After a moment of hesitation, Louis nods.


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