The Inflatables

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A one shot where Harry and Louis are at day care and meet up in one of the inflatables and it sparks something in both of them.


"Harry, come with me!" Louis, barely 5 years old, exclaims as he points at the small inflatable in front of him. Harry, a little younger but not by much, nods, running after his best friend.

Harry and Louis were both going to the same day care. Every Friday they would take the kids somewhere fun to play, and today it happened to be Walzoos a place full of inflatables. Harry and Louis were known for being best friends and did everything together, so nobody suspected the two running off together.

"Shhh, we can hide here!" Louis says, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him into the corner of a 4 Wheel inflatable. Harry was used to Louis being the leader out of the two and went along with most of Louis' crazy ideas, even if it meant landing him in time out, but it didn't matter because he was with Louis.

"Louis, are you sure we're supposed to hide? Mrs. Peatland isn't going to be happy if she can't find us!" Harry whines, as Louis takes a seat and pulls Harry to sit next to him.

"We'll be fine; Mrs. Louise won't care. Why don't we play Truth!" Louis says, trying to calm down his rule-following friend. Louis just wanted to have a fun time, and being around a bunch of other kids screaming and yelling wasn't much fun in Louis' opinion.

"Okay, did you know you can kiss people on the lips?" Harry asks. Harry had kissed his mom on the cheek before, but he once saw his mom and dad kissing on the lips. He wasn't sure what the gesture meant, so he decided to ask his friend.

"Duh! You kiss people on the lips when you think they're pretty. You kiss someone's cheek if they're your family." Louis explains. Harry thinks about this for a second.

"I think you're pretty, does that mean I can kiss you on the lips?" Harry questions, still not understanding the whole kissing thing. Harry wasn't lying, he did think that Louis was very pretty, but he had never seen two boys kiss, not even his family!

"I don't know! I think you're pretty too, Harry." Louis mutters, blushing and looking down at his hands. Harry's eyes widen. Louis thought Harry was pretty? Did that mean that they could kiss each other on the lips?

Louis placed one of his small hands on Harry's waist. Harry looked up at Louis, his eyes widening again as Louis moved closer. Louis pushed his lips onto Harry's and for a second everything stopped. The boys were young so they didn't know much about feelings, but they both knew that whatever happened they liked it.

They stayed like that, lips touching, neither of them knowing what to do for a while. Harry moved his hand to touch Louis' face and Louis held on tighter to Harry, worried he would run away if he let go.


"Mommy are boys allowed to kiss other boys on the lips?" Harry asks, when he gets home. He was sitting at the dining room table, a coloring book opened. He was neatly coloring in a picture of a princess as his mother cooked. She stopped what she was doing and turned to look at her 5-year-old.

"There's nothing wrong with it, but why are we talking about kissing anyone on the lips?" Anne asks, her hand going to her hip as she moves towards her son. Harry looks up, his eyes sparkling as he thinks back to what Louis did in the inflatable.

"Louis and I kissed on the lips today at Wazoos!" Harry exclaims. Anne wanted to tell Harry that he was way too young to be kissing people on the lips, but the way he lighted up when Harry talking about him, Anne didn't have the heart. She shrugged it off, she was sure that it was just a crush and that soon enough they would both grow out of it.

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