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A one shot where Louis is on the soccer team and Harry hates working out. 


"Are you doing anything after school today?" Harry wraps and arm around his boyfriend as they stop on the side of the hallway. It was the end of the day and usually Louis and Harry would ride home together and study at one of their houses, but unfortunately Louis had plans.

 "I have to make up my workout from when I missed last week. Coach is really getting serious about missing workouts. I have to go in today and give him at least half and hour of work before I can leave. Sorry Lovely," Louis sighs. He wished he didn't have to make up the work out, because in all honest he hated working out. 

"Your mother was in the hospital! What the fuck kinda person doesn't let a guy off for that?" Harry was beyond upset. He was wanting to talk to Louis about his family's problems this afternoon and had the speech all planned out.

"I don't know, but I'll maybe swing by yours afterwards, okay?" Louis leans in and pecks Harry's lips quickly. Harry grabs Louis' book bag before he can head off to the athletic department. 

"I don't wanna be alone, can't I just help you out while you work? It'd be kinda hot, huh?" Harry winks suggestively, knowing just how to get Louis to agree. Harry enjoyed their time after school and wasn't about to give it up for some lame workout. 

"Coach is strict about who goes in the weight room, Babe."

"Just ask, he loves me," Harry pushes. It was true. Louis' soccer coach was Harry's old chemistry teacher and loved Harry to bits. Harry was sure he could convince him to let Harry stay. 

"No harm in trying," Louis and Harry walk to the coach's office together, hand-in-hand. When they get to the office door Louis lightly knocks, not wanting to disturb his coach inside. He opens the door a moment later and a tall dark-skinned man smiles down at Louis. 

"Ready for your workout Tomlinson?" 

"Yea, about that. Can Harry stay and spot for me? I'm sure you have other work you could be doing and Harry's pretty responsible." The coach raises and eyebrow and shrugs. 

"I trust you Styles, just make sure he doesn't lag off. Tomlinson you know the workout you need to be doing. Lock up when you're done," The coach instructs. He shuts and locks his office door before leaving the school building. Louis smiles at Harry and they head off to the weight room together. 

Louis and Harry set their school bags down on the floor next to the door. Harry turns to Louis, waiting for him to start whatever workout he was to be doing. 

"I gotta start with 20 sit-ups. Hold my feet?" Louis goes over to an empty area and lays down, glancing up at his boyfriend. Harry knew that Louis could do 20 sit-ups without Harry's help, but he was more than willing to lead a helping hand anyway. 

Harry drops to his knees and places his hands' on his boyfriend's feet as he starts doing his sit-ups. Every time Louis comes up their faces are mere centimeters away from each other. It took everything in Harry not to close the space between them. When Louis' done he smiles at Harry, a small amount of sweat starting to form at his brow. 

"Lay down? I'm wanna kiss you every time I do a push up like all those tumblr-workout pages post about," Louis says. Harry was a little weary of it, but he wasn't going to complain too much. He trusted that Louis couldn't collapse on him or anything. Harry lays down and allows Louis to climb over him, settling in his push-up position. 

Louis looks down at his boyfriend and can't help but smile. He was so gorgeous laying on the floor, his hair fanning around him. Louis could tell Harry was a little nervous to be doing this, but Louis was sure of himself. He had always wanted to see if it were possible to do a push up and kiss someone, so why not try it out on his lovely and mostly willing boyfriend? 

"Don't be nervous, I know what I'm doing, Gorgeous," Louis reassures him. He goes down and presses a quick kiss to Harry's lips before pushing back up. He does a few more, Harry still a little tense, but after a while he loosens up a little bit. Louis was doing pretty good for the first half, but the second half he found himself struggling a little bit more. 

"Ew, you just dripped on me!" Harry brings up a hand and wipes away at his face. Louis, who becomes startled at Harry's sudden movement, falls. He rolls off of his boyfriend and glares. 

"I was almost there, Harry!" Louis complains. He wipes the dripping sweat from his forehead as he catches his breath. Harry stands and continues to wipe at his face. 

"Your sweat dripped on me and it startled me, alright? Not my fault. What else do you have to do?" Harry offers his boyfriend a sad smile as he helps Louis up. Louis thinks for a moment before responding. 


"You do squats in class? You let all your team mates watch as you squat? You're ass in sacred and not to be shared," Harry points out. Louis rolls his eyes, his boyfriend was way to obsessed  with Louis' ass for it to be health. 

"Just count for me?" Louis starts, bending down and coming back up. He catches Harry staring at him and has to snap him out of it. It takes a while, but finally Harry is able to count without getting distracted. 

The finish the rest of the workout quickly, after Louis promises no studying when they get to his place. Harry was a lot less reluctant to workout after being promised this. His mind starts to wonder and soon enough they find themselves standing outside the school building, climbing into Louis' car. 


Hey guys. Sorry for the slight sexual tension in this one. Definitely not one of my bests. On other news, if any of you (all two of you lmao) read Flamingo Boy you have an opportunity for an early update tomorrow if you get a new and active reader! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ~B

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